Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 1 June 2020

Painting And Ponyri Take Two

First up some completed units for the early Byzantines and the War of the Triple Alliance.

Rear rank archers and together with the rest of the unit finished earlier.

The first battalions for the Paraguayans and Brazilians.

Now on to the Ponyri scenario using Battlegroup Kursk rules, I was able to mirror the units I had used for the Rapid Fire game. However I did add a timed airstrike in for the Germans and as a counter an AA HMG for the Soviets.
It turned out to be a bad day for the Germans, Hans call in the artillery, sorry Herr Leutnant they are not responding, Kurt supress that Russki MMG, ere no. Here comes the air strike, now they are for it, squat, Hans the artillery try again, yes! No, no, no I said the trench line not the tree line! Meanwhile the Soviets could do no wrong, for instance the Zis3 could not scratch the Ferdinand frontally but could pin it with a six, yes a six duly rolled. Turn six with half of the surviving units pinned and the German Battle Rating down 60% and no unit even half way across the table, I decided the Germans would call off the attack. I can even do badly against myself it appears.

 Do we have to assault that Herr Leutnant?
 The Soviet left.
 The Soviet right.
 The Soviet artillery is not lacking.
 Send up the Ferdinand to be pinned.
 The Soviets well entrenched.
 A black (and white) day for the Germans.



  1. Lovely Byzantines and great looking game!

  2. Love your basing style and the second to last photograph is very nicely presented.

    1. Thank you Norm, that pic was taken with my phone. You can get in amongst the scenery a lot better and to be honest it takes better nice than my camera🙂

  3. Armies looking good and obviously a good amount of painting being done 👍 triple alliance will be an interesting sideline perhaps try Rebels and Patriots and a medium sized skirmish to get them on the table earlier ? Tricky assault for the Germans !

    1. Thank you Matt, that is plan with WTA, I have downloaded lists that a chap on LAF has done for R & P and one of the reasons I went with three to a base rather than six.
      It is indeed a tough one for the Germans especially when your support units fail to cooperate ☹️

  4. Replies
    1. I think you maybe right there George, we will see how they fare later this week against the Brits on the NWE front.

  5. Excellent new additions and great start to new projects! So glad to see the Krauts stuffed after my last woeful showing)chit accumulation!

    1. Thank you DB. The Germans were certainly taking a beating that's for sure.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank JS, they are wonderful figures to paint and the latest senior command packs are stunning.

  7. Lovely looking figures Phil, a real mix across the centuries. Good to see the Germans got what was coming to them ;)

  8. Thank you Paul. The Germans are sure come second most times with me at the helm🙂

  9. A nice mix of pretty toys Phil...
    I do like the look of the Byzantines...

    A nice looking game... the problem is that you are up against an unpredictable opponent...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you kind Sir, the Byzantines are amazing can't wait to get back to them, a little matter of some Goths in the way at the moment, oh and Carlists and Royal Marines🙂
      I shall have to give that opponent a talking too before the next game.

  10. Splendid looking Byzantines! When you roll badly, you really roll badly!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. Sure did roll badly, ironic that the other chap rolled so well😂

  11. Everything looks fantastic! Where did you get your flags for Triple Alliance?

    1. Thank you Herr Baron, the flags are from Flags of War.
