Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Delaying Action

After a couple of postponements the Sitzkreig is over, the Germans are advancing to cut the British and French armies in two. In this scenario a British platoon supported by a troop of A9 cruiser tanks and a solitary Matilda II are tasked with holding up the German advance, a timed 4.5 howitzer barrage is also available to them. They must hold up the German advance for nine turns to achieve a successful outcome.
Things started badly for the British with most of the infantry not in position and orders seemingly not clear or getting through. Luckily the German advance had slowed down giving them extra time to get in position although once there the order situation was found wanting (new dice!).
Tommies eventually manned the hastily dug trenches dug earlier by engineers.
The Germans advance but it can hardly be called Blitzkrieg!
A timed Stuka airstrike fails to have much of an impact.
The British 2" mortar put down harassing fire in support of the troops in the forward trenches.
German infantry move up but are pinned down by concentrated British firepower.
The British Matilda moves up to counter an advance on the flank by a German 38T tank platoon but breaks down limiting its view!
The British timed barrage has little effect only pinning down an empty Opel Blitz.
The troop of A9 cruisers are sent to engage the advancing German 38T but get short shrift all being knocked out in short order.
However they have done their job diverting them from engaging the British infantry who have done sterling work in holding off the German infantry.
In turn eight the German Battle Rating is exceeded and the German advance is blunted.
Job done!
A tight and enjoyable game for us both. A lot of froth is bandied about on which rules are better than others etc. But in the end they are all means to an end it is the spirit in which the game is played that counts.