Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Assault On Haseldorf

Games resumed at OHQ yesterday, Dave duly arrived with grandson Will to play a late World War II game. We would be using Bolt Action rules utilizing the changes revealed from the forthcoming 3rd edition.
In a change from the norm Dave took command of the defending Volksgrenadier platoon, Will and I would command the attacking British platoon.
Prior to the attack the Germans removed a certain priceless piece of art for "safe" keeping.
The German Pak40 covers the road into the village.
The British advance cautiously.
They have armoured support to their left.
The Germans lie in wait to give the attackers a hot reception.
The first section take cover behind the fence, a previously knocked out Sherman in the background does not bode well for this attack.
A second section move out on the right to attempt to flank the German position.
On the left the tank support moves forward.
The Germans bring up a StugIII to counter and support the infantry occupying the ruined buildings.
The section behind the fence receive accurate and deadly MG and mortar fire.
The German left is well protected the British flanking force will have a tough task.
The 75mm armed Sherman is set on fire, the crew unable to douse the flames abandon the vehicle.
Meanwhile the section in the centre is taking ever increasing casualties and will soon be forced to retire.
The German panzerschreck team fire on the Firefly, with combined fire from the Pak40 it is immobilized.
The British bring up the 6Pdr but it is too little too late with only one full section on the left flank and no mobile armour the attack is called off.
We thought that the new bits of the rules worked well particularly the revised effects for hits on armour. There is no exceptional damage roll in the new edition, this was used amongst other things to determine if a squad NCO became a casualty. As there is no indication how this will be determined now we added our own. If a section received three possible casualties, we would roll a D6, a score of one to three would mean that the NCO could be casualty and would have to make a cover save.
Until next time ............
Toodle Pip & KBO

Friday 23 August 2024

Going, Going, Goth

The Goth light cavalry is done, just the heavies to do now. Before that though I am working on the last Roman cavalry unit.
Aventine Miniatures with a lone Footsore Miniatures horn blower. Bases Warbases of course and LBMS shield transfers.
We should be back playing a game here at OHQ next Tuesday. A Bolt Action game is planned where I will trial some of the new mechanisms from the forthcoming third edition.
Until next time............
Toodle pip and KBO 

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Away Day

Yesterday saw my First Carlist War forces make the trip over to GHQ. Dave set up a suitable table, for a change Dave took control of the Carlists while William and myself took the Isabellinos. The Isabellinos consisted of two divisions the British Auxiliary Legion division was commanded by William while I commanded the second, Spanish division. Dave split his Carlists into three smaller divisions.
Dave will post his customary report over on his blog sometime tomorrow LINK be sure to pop over to read all about it. In the meantime here are some photos to tempt you further.
Cavalry Clash
The Carlists Arrive In Town
This Is Going To End Badly Chaps
Carlist Cavalry Threaten The Flank
It looks All Up For The Carlists Or Is It?

Until next time................
Toddle pip & KBO

Monday 19 August 2024

Last Of The Goths?

Well the last warband anyway, I have a light cavalry unit underway and then another heavy cavalry unit which will "complete" the project. Though wait...... I have two Frank units for when the Goths morph into Ostrogoths to fight the Byzantines🙂
The figures are mainly Footsore Miniatures with a few Foundry Casting Room and a solitary Westwind Miniatures figure. Base from Warbases as usual and shield transfers where applicable from LBMS.
Before we go, Dave kindly passed on one of Matthew's Vikings, meet Olaf Nonumbersson.
I think you will agree it is a superb sculpt, really love the flow of the cloak and subtle look of movement in the figure.
Off to GHQ again tomorrow I will be taking along my First Carlist War collection for a run out on a bigger table. Dave's grandson Will be aiding and rolling dice for me again so hopefully I will end the run of two consecutive defeats🙂
Until next time ..........
Toodle pip and KBO

Monday 12 August 2024

Scourge Of The Panzerwaffe?

The latest addition to my 28mm late war British force is this Rubicon Models Sherman Firefly.
The crew are from Empress Miniatures.
Off to GHQ again tomorrow for a return encounter between Rome and Carthage.
Until next time.........
Toddle pip & KBO

Sunday 4 August 2024

Keep On Truckin'

More transport for the 1940 BEF, this time a trio of Bedford OYD trucks. Again 1/72nd scale from Anyscale Models.
Going up scale, a 1/56th scale Loyd Carrier from Rubicon Models to tow the 6pdr anti-tank gun of my late war British.
Off to GHQ again this week for some Punic Wars action using Hail Caesar rules.
I til next time........