Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 25 November 2024

Midgard The First

As the title suggests I took my forces of Aelle and Artos over to GHQ for the inaugural game of Midgard:Heroic Battles.
Aelle's force from the sample list in the rule book.
Artos's force from the sample list in the rule book.
A general advance by the forces of Artos commences hostilities.
Not to appear faint hearted to his troops Aelle responds in kind.
Despite being our first game the turns zip along. Aelle being the first to lead one of his Hearthguard charging into Artos's foot Comitatus gaining extra reputation.
Over on the other flank the rival skirmishers trade arrows.
In the centre Aelle's Hearthguard destroy the Comitatus leaving Artos's nephew to fight alone or lose reputation and retire to the relative safety of other unit.
Things we're going better with Kai leading his tribal Levy and routing their enemy only to be destroyed by the supporting Saxon Duguth in turn.
Things were looking bad when the Saxon skirmishers charged and destroyed their counterparts.
Wait! On the other flank the Saxon Osric is killed the unit he was leading destroyed with loss of more reputation.
Worse was to come things had turned bad for Aelle the Hearthguard he was leading are destroyed. He must fight on alone or lose reputation which he cannot afford to do.
Aelle's vessel runs dry.
However another destroyed Saxon unit elsewhere seals their fate anyway.
A victory for the forces of Artos and a splendid first game, five turns and two hours of play including set up and rule checking. A big thumbs up for Midguard from us both, another game in a couple of weeks we enjoyed it so much.
Until next time.............
Toodle Pip and KBO 

Saturday, 23 November 2024


My daughter pre-ordered a copy of the latest Hail Caesar supplement, Once and Future King for my birthday. Ordering direct from Warlord you got this metal figure representing Arthur's nephew.
I have got him painted up for our first foray with Midgard on Monday.
Look out for a report of how it went next week, until then.............
Toodle Pip and KBO

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

ContinĂșe Transportando.

You may recall I picked up a Hispano-Suiza truck from Empress Miniatures at the recent Partizan for the Spanish Civil War collection.
Again I didn't want it lanquish in the pile of potential so quickly got it underway and here it is.
Gaming returned to OHQ this week with Dave been mobile once more. I arranged a WW2 game using Bolt Action III, a force of German Volksgrenadiers with tank support would be trying to breakout from an Allied encirclement.
Unfortunately I neglected to take any photos after the first turn, not as it really mattered my Volksgrenadiers didn't advance much after that. Constant pinning by British fire virtually halted the German advance after turn two. The breakout ground to a halt completely in turn five, pinning and poor planning on my part led to failure. It was good to see pinning being the order of the day in third rather than killing everything in sight in the previous incarnations. This like the game over at GHQ recently was certainly more WW2 than 1940K.
Until next time, here are the pics.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Let Us Go Forward Together

A fitting title for an infantry tank and a link between the two different Churchills. A Churchill "Infantry" tank, named after the Duke of Marlborough, a Warlord Games/Italeri kit for my 28mm late war British force.
If Dave has recovered enough to drive it may hit the table next week. Keep tuned until then KBO