Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 26 June 2020

Bits And Bobs

The return of some decent weather has seen me working in the garden rather than at the painting table in recent days, none the less I have made a little progress.
First up a base of 5 Goths to make my warbands look a little more "warbandy", one figure is from Footsore Miniatures while the rest are Foundry Casting Room Miniatures.

Next I ordered up some more late WWII British from Empress Miniatures to make my platoon sections up to strength and also add a number two to the 2" mortar. The Bren gun number two is moulded with spectacles, fair enough but I did not want two myopic ones so I did a head swap with one of the riflemen, I don't think you can "see the join". The figure I used for the mortar number two has a grenade I simply added a smoke round to the hand, I think it will pass muster at three feet.

Finally following on from a suggestion by Matt Crump I have done a German emerging from a foxhole, Dave then suggested that I did one shot and falling backwards. I did not have any arms that looked convincing without major surgery so I did one falling forward, he could also be just pushing his helmet back on for the less bloodthirsty. I have also done a NCO as it looks like I will be doing a full squad.
 Now that lockdown has been eased I have a game planned over at GHQ, however I will still try and get a solo game in before then to blood my new WWII British.



  1. They looked splendid when we nattered, at a social distance, in your garden yesterday. I'm looking forward to our planned game, I must dust off the cobwebs in GHQ soon.

  2. Love the Empress Miniature figures - great paint job and modelling with the foxholes. I just ordered some of the Empress Miniatures Australian Vietnam figures. Cheers Greg (Delta Coy blog).

    1. Thank you Greg, Mr. Hicks has gone to town with these two ranges.

  3. Nice work phil i think my pick would be the Goths lovely work

    1. Thank you Matt, hope you like the climbing out of the foxhole chap.

  4. Lovely bits and bobs Phil...

    The chaps in the fox holes look rather entertaining...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Many thanks Aly, more to do now I have a couple of greatcoated sprues.

  5. Nice fox hole types, lovely Brits but my favourites are the goths, they're ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, more Goths and fox hole chappies on the way.
