Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Playing Away

As I have previously mentioned there are no games here currently all are being played over at GHQ whilst Dave's toe heals.
Yesterday saw us return to the fictional province of Rhanzlistan, our first game in that setting since 2019! How time flies, enough of my wittering head over to Dave's dedicated blog for a rundown of all the action, LINK

Monday 15 July 2024

Hail Ravnlivs!

An army generals command base for my early Byzantine army. Aventine Miniatures with a Gripping Beast casualty figure, LBMS shield transfers mounted on an 80mm circular base from Warbases.

 As previously mentioned the next few games will be over at GHQ, starting tomorrow with some Indian Mutiny shenanigans in the Bhyklabad.

Friday 12 July 2024


There will be no games here in OHQ for the next few weeks as Dave is hors de combat, games will be over at GHQ, look out for reports there in the coming weeks. The latest one can be found hereTales from GHQ
So for now........ .   
I am just finishing off an army generals base for the Byzantines, photos early next week. Until then ..........TTFN & KBO

Monday 1 July 2024


Inspired by Dave Imrie's (read shamelessly nicked) Ballista vignette featured on the Bodkins 'Fire in the East' game at the recent Partizan show. I have created a command base for the army so that the Imperator Baldinus need not keep putting himself in harms way, it's dangerous enough at court.
The figures are A&A Miniatures with the raven on Ballista's helmet added off the Aventine Ballista figure, the base as ever is from Warbases.

Wednesday 19 June 2024


After Dave's break in Cornwall we reconvened here in OHQ to play a follow on game with my Goth and Roman collection. The retreating Romans have joined up with the main field army and have deployed to meet the advancing Goths.
Goth scouts stealthily despatch a less than vigilant Roman lookout and report back on the Roman dispositions.
The Roman generals discuss their defence plans with the Imperator.
Meanwhile 'essential' supplies are brought up.
While the Goth army begins it's approach.
The Roman right, on the hill are deployed the Equite Singularis, auxiliary archers and cataphracts, just out of picture are the Praetorian Guard in camp they will take no part in the action unless the camp is attacked. Left of them are the Legionary units.
To the left of the Legions are the Auxiliaries and heavy and light cavalry.
Goth warbands supported by archers advance to threaten the Roman auxiliary units, while to the left the Goth heavy cavalry threaten the Legionaries. 
On the Goth far right archers and cavalry advance towards the Roman cavalry.
The main Goth attack appears to be launched against the Roman right. A unit of cavalry charge the Equites who put up a stiff resistance meanwhile their compatriots charge the Auxillary archers expecting easy pickings. Both the Equites and Auxiliaries disabused them of this idea, the Auxiliary archers were eventually forced to retreat.
This however allowed the cataphracts to charge their erstwhile opponents and rout in turn the Equites were routed but not before the cataphracts and archers were able to fall back and protect the Roman flank from being turned.
The flank is secured, over in the centre and left both sides exchanged arrows and javelins neither side seeing an opening to break the deadlock. By turn ten of our allotted twelve turns we decided that neither side were in a position to carry day in time so an honourable draw was the decided outcome.
Another fine and challenging game using Hail Caesar rules, we are slowly getting our head around the rules now.

Monday 17 June 2024


As well as a bottle of whiskey I got this rather nice book from my children for fathers day.

Oh dear this has coinsided with Aventine re-opening the web shop🙂
But for now............

Thursday 13 June 2024

Recent Additions

First up the last of my AB Figures summer Soviet additions.
Next inspired by the recent game and the fine game put on by the Bodkins at the recent Partizan show, a Roman Auxiliary unit, a Goth light cavalry unit and a couple of Goth vignettes.
All the above are A & A Miniatures with LBMS shield transfers.
The above are from Wargames Foundry and the Goth cavalry below are Footsore Miniatures. All the bases from Warbases.
Again from Warbases a Roman wine cart, oxen and attendants are currently under the brush.
All being well the Romans and Goths will have another outing here at OHQ next Tuesday.
Until next time...... TTFN & KBO

Monday 3 June 2024


I have recently been reorganising the Goth and Roman collection to better suit our Hail Caesar games this as required a little rebasing, argh! I also need to add a two or three more units to each side to make up four divisions in Hail Caesar terms(any excuse).
Whilst sorting out an order, having to order packs inevitably leaves you with odd figures along the way. So encouraged by Dave's use of left over figures to create little vignettes for table dressing I have done this base to represent a Goth scouting party. It could also double as a tiny unit in Hail Caesar rules should I wish.
Figures are from the Wargames Foundry 
Casting Room Miniatures Ancient German range and the base from Warbases.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Woe, Woe! and Thrice Woe!

Once again the Romans have taken a severe beating by the Gothic hordes.
Still feeling our way on our return to playing with Hail Caesar rules we both deployed cautiously, we moved even more cautiously, me especially with some dire command rolls.
The problem with such static games as this it is difficult to form a narrative around the photos so I will post the photos and put a note underneath of any relevant event.
The auxiliary archers shower the Goth warbands with arrows with a mediocre effect.
The Goth advance is disjointed but the Romans appear unable to capitalize on it.
The Roman cavalry finally arrive and head towards the Goth left flank.
They are soon countered by Goth light cavalry who charge and beat back the Roman Moorish auxiliaries.
The Roman cataphracts charge into the Goth warbands only to be routed! Nine dice needing three they get and only manage two hits, one despairs.
Meanwhile the Goth heavy cavalry charge in and rout their Roman counterparts.
The Praetorians charge in but are held even the commander in chief joining them fails to help. They are then charged in the flank by Goth cavalry and are routed.
With only the possibility of one turn left and the Roman flank turned I conceeded field.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Delaying Action

After a couple of postponements the Sitzkreig is over, the Germans are advancing to cut the British and French armies in two. In this scenario a British platoon supported by a troop of A9 cruiser tanks and a solitary Matilda II are tasked with holding up the German advance, a timed 4.5 howitzer barrage is also available to them. They must hold up the German advance for nine turns to achieve a successful outcome.
Things started badly for the British with most of the infantry not in position and orders seemingly not clear or getting through. Luckily the German advance had slowed down giving them extra time to get in position although once there the order situation was found wanting (new dice!).
Tommies eventually manned the hastily dug trenches dug earlier by engineers.
The Germans advance but it can hardly be called Blitzkrieg!
A timed Stuka airstrike fails to have much of an impact.
The British 2" mortar put down harassing fire in support of the troops in the forward trenches.
German infantry move up but are pinned down by concentrated British firepower.
The British Matilda moves up to counter an advance on the flank by a German 38T tank platoon but breaks down limiting its view!
The British timed barrage has little effect only pinning down an empty Opel Blitz.
The troop of A9 cruisers are sent to engage the advancing German 38T but get short shrift all being knocked out in short order.
However they have done their job diverting them from engaging the British infantry who have done sterling work in holding off the German infantry.
In turn eight the German Battle Rating is exceeded and the German advance is blunted.
Job done!
A tight and enjoyable game for us both. A lot of froth is bandied about on which rules are better than others etc. But in the end they are all means to an end it is the spirit in which the game is played that counts.