Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday, 24 May 2020

First Carlist War - Solo

I was planning another game of the Ponyri scenario using Battlegroup rules today but by the time I got back in from garden and had lunch it was a little late in the day so I set up a First Carlist War game. I had no scenario planned for it so I just set up the Carlists defending a ridge and gave the Isabelinos the job of ousting them from it. I used our current rules of choice for the period Black Powder on a 5 x 4 table.
The Carlist right on the ridge, two freshly raised units and the Ontario hussars being held in reserve.

The Carlist left.

The Isabelino right.

The Isabelino left comprising of the British Auxiliary Legion with the dubious support of the Royal Marine rocket battery. 

The Isabelino Attack gains momentum.

The BAL advance towards the ridge.

The Carlists await with a warm welcome.

Meanwhile over on the right the advance is halted by withering fire from the Carlists.

The Royal Marines blunder and advance upon the Carlist foot artillery.

The Isabelino skirmishers advance although unsupported.

The marines pay for their blunder and are disordered and shaken by artillery fire.

Shaken but not stirred.

The attack on the right resumes but is again halted by the weight of fire from the Carlist battalions.

The Carlist Navarre battalion are routed!

All is not lost the attackers on the right are both shaken.

Things are looking grim the Brigade commander brings up the cavalry.

The Alava Guides are now shaken.

The Royal Marine rocket battery after several duds and misses misfires and the rocket explodes in situ, kaboom!

The Ontario Hussars charge the British Legion lancers and come second retiring behind the ridge

The Alava Guides are routed!

The BAL Scottish battalion is also routed.

For some reason Blogger insists I centre the rest of the text, I despair, it just gets worse.
Anyway back to the game, at this point Carlist turn eight the brigade holding the hill was broken meaning that both brigades would now have to leave the field. The Isabelinos run of victories continue.



  1. Great looking figures and table.

  2. Fine game, great result! I enjoyed following it live by text yesterday too! As to Blogger issue, don't centre text under photos, issue solved then.

    1. Thank you Mr. B. I like my in the centre though, so Blogger can go hang.

  3. Nice report with gorgeous armies, what a beautiful looking game...exept for the poor Royal Marine rocket battery may be!

    1. Thank you Phil. The exploding rocket was on the cards as they have been performing too well in recent games 🙂

  4. Lovely looking game Phil and a larger battle showing the impressive scale of your collection. Did you play it with some additional solo adjustments or just use the randomness of the order rolls for BP ? Ps I have finally ordered some more flags for the RCW

    1. Thank you Matt. Just used them straight out of the box and let the command rolls add the necessary friction. Good news on the RCW flags

  5. Always good to see the First Carlist War, thank you.

  6. Nice game Phil. I too am getting fed up of Blogger.

    1. Thank you George. Blogger is getting a tad tedious these days it's really putting me off blogging.

  7. A lovely looking game Phil...
    It’s always nice to get your toys out...

    All the best. Aly

  8. That's a beautiful collection and a lovely looking game!


  9. Lovely looking game, all came good for the marines in the end,well except the rocket chaps! Blogger always centres my texts under photos, I've given up being bothered!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, yes I guess with Blogger it's a case of going with the flow, at least I can get to upload pictures these days.

  10. Looks great Phil, you have quite the collection of lovely looking figures for the Carlist wars.
    I saw the same blogger problem when posting after the last photo but was able to correct it using the alignment tool.

    1. Thank the you Paul, much appreciated.
      Thank you for the tip I will try that next time.
