Copyright © 2024, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday 30 March 2012

Hanging In There

Hi folks not a lot to post this time I have been a tad busy earning money, painting during the day and doing some temporary work at night together with my usual casual short circuit motor racing work at the weekend. This will no doubt continue at least until my good wife can find further employment having being made redundant due to relocation. I have managed a couple of games over at Dave's, the results and splendid pics can be seen over on Dave's nice little blog Tales From GHQ

Here are some pics of the rather nice German Fallschirmjager produced by Offensive Miniatures. Painted for the personal collection of the head honcho.

 80mm Mortar
Tripod Mounted MG42
 Jagers Prepare To Advance Under Mortar & MMG Covering Fire

Squad Light MG


Sunday 18 March 2012

Pyddle Down Manor

I have completed the Hudson and Allen manor house for the ECW collection of my good friend and wargames opponent David Bickley aka Obadiah Bickleigh. I must acknowledge Painterman for the colour inspiration.

It will no doubt also feature in our 1940 Operation Sealion games at some point too.

Take care

Sunday 11 March 2012

WMMMS 2012

As I was not at the raceway today I was able to attend the above show again this year with Dave, had a splendid time. Did not spend much really, some bases from the great guys at Warbases, some paint and some tufts, also delivered some commission work, pic below of some Marlburian dragoons.

There appeared to be a really good turnout, certainly seemed as good as last year. Around 50 traders, to cater for most gamers needs and some really nice games on show too, where are the photo's you may ask?

Did they turnout very well?

Please don't ask which numpty left his memory card at home in the PC's card reader! I think at times that age is catching me up a little to fast.


Friday 9 March 2012

3rd Century Romans

Bought these superb figures by A&A Miniatures has a retirement project, but of course I could not resist painting a couple to see how they looked and ended up with these, shield transfers from LBMS of course. Based up for Impetus as this is the only rule set for which I can see me getting enough painted for games.

Off to WMMS on Sunday, hope to take some decent photo's but will not be holding my breath, as I will not be posting any that detract from the games don't hold yours.


Monday 5 March 2012

Early Great War Stuff

Below are some pics of my latest figures painted for the joint 100 year anniversary project with Dave.

3rd Battalion, 48th Infantry Regiment "Von Stulpnagel" (5th Brandenburg)

Machine Gun Company

Battalion Command

Some artillery support
To balance things up here are some Scots I have been painting for an ongoing commission

And finally, some much needed reinforcements for my late war German forces

All figures are from the excellent ranges by Great War Miniatures.