Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 24 May 2021

Diversión Bajo El Sol

Well virtual sun.

Things did not go well from the start for the Nationalists, the Republic forces had stole a march on them and entered the table first and to add insult to injury they entered the table where they would be in full view of the advancing enemy and the terrain hampering their deployment too.

I mentioned in the previous post that we would be using Rapid Fire Reloaded to play out the action. I had previously tried them in a solo outing and was suitably impressed, they do away with the charts in the previous two incarnations which I must say is a blessing for the ageing eyes, although to be fair if you played regularly you would possibly know how many casualties without looking a lot of the time.

Despite the new way of removing casualties, needing two casualties to remove a base of two figures and three to remove a heavy weapons team any odd casualties being discarded and not carried over, the Nationalists started to take casualties. They were not initially able to reply in kind due to the terrain restrictions, although the Nationalist T26 took fist blood in the armoured tussle knocking out the opposing T26. The Republic replied by taking it out with the BA10, this blocked the road on the culvert further hampering the Nationalist deployment.

It was far from all one way traffic though with the Republic being four casualties away from taking a morale test and the Nationalists three, however the Republic would get to fire first. The result was a morale test for the Nationalists seeing them  having to retire and not fire for two moves, by which time the Republicans were likely to get onto Hermitage Hill and claim the objective.

So another Republican win, once again commanded by Dave.

Some pictures from the action follow.

Engage that T26


Viva La Muerte!

Non Pasaran!

Oh dear there goes our armoured support

Wait, hurrah for the BA10!

Come on chaps we have them now.

The Nationalists retreat

See how they run Senor Hemingway

Next game will be some more civil action, this time over at GHQ for some ACW shenanigans.

Hope you all will get some face to face gaming in soon.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Neil, all encouragement most welcome.

  2. Nice pics … as always, but particularly pleased with your positive feelings for Rapid Fire Reload, as someone who has experience with the ‘fuller’ version. Encourages me to get my German force painted up and based in pairs.

    1. Thank you Norm, its really useful to do that I think. Must admit I was getting a tad confused having to take the two single figures off at times.

  3. A splendid game, a visual treat and a joy to play in. RFR played well, but I did miss 10pts on Table4!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. 10pts on Table4, but is it short range open, soft or hard or medium range open, soft or hard or long range open, soft or hard cover?

  4. A great looking game Phil as it's always nice seeing your SCW collection on the table!


  5. Lovely looking Spanish civil war action! You're going to have to stop playing the bad guys if you're going to have a hope of winning!
    Best Iain

  6. Thank you Iain. But if I play the white hats that means the black hats will win.

  7. Always a pleasure to look on your troops Phil, very nice.

  8. Great to see Phil you are getting back into gaming full swing 👍 kaboom indeed !

  9. Smashing stuff old boy...
    And of course... the correct result 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. Correct result not in doubt with me back in command of the baddies.

  10. It was certainly too hot for the Nationalists.

  11. Wonderfully painted figures and terrain and love the bookends bridge sections.

    1. Thank you Pat. The sections are 3D printed from Sabotag3d.
