Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Monument Hill - The Reckoning

 The British have recently captured Monument Hill, with its commanding view of the surrounding area the Germans are determined to take it back, it is currently thinly occupied by a British platoon HQ, a PIAT team, sniper and dug in using the old German OP a Vickers MMG team, they will get support later from the platoon rifle sections, 50mm mortar team and a Cromwell IV.

Tasked with ousting the British is Sturm Group Hansdersen, a Volksgrenadier platoon supported by a Panzer IV ausf J.

The Germans began their initial advance with the platoon rifle teams, supported by a tripod mounted MG42 with support from the Pz IV.
The British platoon HQ tried in vain to contact the off table 4.2" mortar battery, the rest of the platoon would not be up until turn four, damn that 38 radio set.

The British sniper is quickly ousted from his position by the German sturmgewehr squad.

British support begins to arrive, the German advance as been slow the Vickers and eventual mortar stonk pinning several units.
It was not all one way traffic with the British having to rally under fire units too.
the advantage seemed to be going to and thro, but then the Luftwaffe turned up to show it still had some bite, despite AA fire using rifles and Brens the Stuka put paid to both the PIAT and 50mm mortar teams, the British battle rating started to take a pounding.
Against their better the judgement with the PIAT team taken out and the PzIV surviving the draw of a confusion counter, the Cromwell was sent forward to engage it.
The Cromwell crested the the hill and took a shot, a miss! would it pay for this act of bravado?
Of course, return fire from the PzIV and KABOOM!

It was all too much with their battle rating exceeded the British relinquished their hold on Monument Hill.

All in all a fabulous couple of hours, I think George enjoyed it with the added bonus of a win.

Until next time take care and KBO ( we seem to be getting there )


  1. fabulous stuff Phil, like that game report!

    French Wargame Holidays

  2. After seeing the ‘set up’ yesterday, I was looking forward to this game. The Battlegroup rules seem to have brought a lot of character to the game and also individual units.

    I am torn at the moment whether to go for single or multi based infantry, your scene helps!

    1. Thank you Norm the rules provide a fine narrative. I have all the 28s on singles apart from the belt fed LMGs, with the 20mm I base them in singles and doubles.

    2. Thanks Phil, some 50mm ‘pill’ bases have just arrived from Warbases, so I will Blu-Tak some 20’s up in pairs and see how that looks.

  3. Putting the poor rule choice to one side, a fine looking game there.

  4. Once again it was a pleasure to play a game against Phil, and thanks for hosting Phil. I do have to admit the Luftwaffe had a big impact on German fortunes and I hastily kicked the white flag under the nearest ammo box.

    1. Pleased you enjoyed it George, indeed it was a little touch and go and have to agree the flyboys swung it in the end.

  5. Looks like a good one, Phil! The arrival of German air seemed to be a turning point in this action. George for the win!

    1. It was a particularly fine game, planes don't turn up that often in games but when they do and you don't have dedicated AA they are a menace. Although I did manage to drive it off briefly with the rifle and bren fire.

  6. Good looking game, too bad about that #@$%! Mark IV.

    1. Thank you. The PzIV certainly didn't suffer new unit syndrome for sure🙂

  7. Great report. I have the Battlegroup rules but only read them, never played them. I keep meaning to address that as it clearly gives a good game.

  8. Thank you Mark. I can recommend giving them a try, like CoC they produce a nice narrative game and negate some of the wargamers all seeing eye also.

    1. " CoC..." says it all really, awful rules both. You do not need rules to set your narrative, players with imagination do that.

  9. I'm been enjoying CoC so much for my WWII gaming that I haven't felt the need to do anything else, but that hasn't stopped me from buying the Battlegroup rules as they are beautiful with plenty of inspiration so maybe one day I'll give them a try instead of just admiring them. Oh and great looking game btw!


    1. Thank you Christopher, if you are only playing at this level and enjoy CoC then stick with it.

  10. A lovely looking game Phil...
    Pity the villains won though...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, a pity indeed I think I would have had them on the run if the Luftwaffe hadn't turned up.

  11. Another great looking game and much warmer than gardening. Peep..peep!

  12. Thank you Jon, warmer indeed and more fun, toot, toot!
