Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Feldwebel Verwirrung Puts Up A Fight.

As a change from Battlegroup, Bolt Action hits the table for our World War Two outing this week. It took us at least two moves to get to grips with the rules again with Battlegroup mechanics popping into both our heads at times as well๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿป
Petit Rawslie, the crates etc. mark one of the British objectives.
The British M5 scouts forward.
In the centre the British infantry advance using the knocked out Sherman from a previous engagement as cover.
Over on the left a British section advanced to draw German fire.
The dug in Germans on the rising ground oblige, the drums etc. denote another British objective.
The Germans in Petit Rawslie await the British advance.
British reserves advance up the road to support the main attack on Petit Rawslie.
The M5 thunders down the road in a bold move to clear the German Platoon HQ from its position and secure a British objective.
The Germans in the opposite building prepare to give it a hot reception.
A panzerfaust roars and the M5 pays the price. The boxes denote the other British objective.
Meanwhile a British assault section armed with Sten SMGs prepare to assault the first house in Petit Rawslie.
The Sherman softens up the Germans deployed there. The assault goes in, the fight is short and brisk the Germans are wiped out to the man no quarter asked or given.
The Germans bring up a Stug III from reserve, the British deploy their 6pdr to take care of business.
Meanwhile another British section works around the second house, the occupiers being kept under fire from the opposite side.
With the Germans in the second house being taken care of by combined mortar and tank fire the British assault the German HQ taking Feldwebel Verwirrung prisoner and gain an objective into the bargain.
This enables the British in the other side to claim another objective in turn seven, had the game ended on turn six the Germans could have claimed a draw but it was not to be.
The remaining objective on the other flank is still contested but is of little consolation they will soon be surrounded and for them the war will be over.
We will be fighting over the pond in the colonies next week over at GHQ.
That's all for now..........


  1. A splendid game I thought, despite our early rules confusion ๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿป The photos do show your wonderful collection in the best light. I am still euphoric that my mortar actually hit something!

    1. Very touch and go for both sides initially, the German cause was helped immensely in the early moves with your shocking duce scores but I think I helped even that out with my deployment cock up in my left flank. A draw was the best I could deserve from the spirited British attack.

  2. Super looking game presentation and a convincing British win.

    1. Thank you Jonathan it is a tough scenario for the British but Dave's plan delivered the result with the additional turn.

  3. Love the extra touches to the internal parts of your buildings. Re the rules, would you favour one over the other or are they doing different things? I am pulled in different directions with WWII rules, especially once you also throw in boardgame rules.

    1. Thank you Norm. I favour Battlegroup like all games it has it's abstracting which are necessary especially with the nature of 20th century warfare. Bolt Action certainly delivers entertaining games but for me it fails to deliver a WW2 narrative in many ways but I am sure there is a decent WW2 game in there.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Christopher your comment is much appreciated.

  5. Great looking game. Sounds like you had fun.

    1. Thank you Matt. It was a fine and entertaining game mixing our rule set mechanisms was hilarious at times.

  6. A lovely looking and sounding game Phil…
    All the best. Aly

  7. Just such a joy to behold, both figures, vehicles and terrain:)!

    1. Thank you Steve, your endorsement is much appreciated.

  8. Stunning looking game there Phil! Figures and terrain of an exceptional high standard. The detail in the damaged buildings looks wonderful.... especialy the wallpaper I thought!
    I personaly like both battlegroup and bolt action rulesets, as they each seem more suited the different categories of game. I've had the privilege of playing some larger scale games in 15mm using battlegroup and found them to work very well, on the other hand BA is excellent for smaller skirmish engagements.

    1. Thank you Paul most kind. Bolt Action just doesn't tick the right WW2 boxes for me, although I think it works well for the Great War and the Spanish Civil War for some reason๐Ÿค”
