Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 26 April 2021

An Unpleasantness At Soggas Bottom

 Sunday saw Matt join me for a Dark Ages game using Lion Rampant rules via Zoom.

Winter is coming and local Saxon Warlord Crumpus Fudd has got wind that the village at Soggas Bottom has some fine pigs ready for the taking so he has gathered his best warriors for a raid to steal said pork supply.

Soggas Bottom

The villagers have been made aware of the approaching Saxon horde and have armed the village militia with bows to hold back the raiders until the local levy arrive, not far behind them is local British Warlord Baldinus with his mounted and foot companions.

The uncharacteristic tardy advance of the Saxons (failed activations) gave the village militia the time to get in some telling archery on them meanwhile the first of the levy were arriving, the Lady Guinevere leading the first towards the villages open left flank.

Here they were swiftly engaged by the least tardy advance by Saxon warriors on that flank.

After some fierce fighting driving off one Saxon warband they were finally overcome giving both Saxon warbands a bloody nose. Over in the centre with the Saxon warbands dangerously close the village militia having taken its toll on them they beat an hasty retreat. They have bought time for the militia to come up behind.

The gap over on the left is filled with militia troops while Baldinus's mounted troops give support.

As the village militia prepare to fall back the levy form shield wall by the pig pens.

Seeing a gap left by the retiring archers the Saxons surge forward and engage the shield wall.

Bringing up the rear are Baldinus's hearth guard and his other warriors led by Arian priest Biccas.

Fierce fighting along the the line sees Crumpus and his hearth guard flee despite the intervention of himself and Senna the Saxon holy woman who like Biccas can give units within 12" a failed courage test re-roll.

A most enjoyable couple of hours gaming and chat, Lion Rampant is ideal for these sort of games.

The Saxons advantage of being able to traverse the boggy ground of Sogga's Bottom was negated by the early failed activation roles. This allowed the British to bring up their troops and form up in cover or form shield wall in the open.

Being fierce foot the Saxons are obliged to test for wild charges giving them little option in avoiding charging into the British in a lot of instances which limits their tactical options if the British can deploy advantageously. 

There lay the challenge for both sides, the British saved the pigs but alas there will be plenty of pork to go around this winter as casualties were grievous for them as well as the Saxons.

Till next time KBO.


  1. Fine looking game. I almost can remember what one was like as a participant...almost.

  2. A splendid game Phil. The figures/terrain are really wonderful close up would be nice to ‘hold’ them but virtual is a good second best. Those early activation problems really gave me a slow start and allowed you to get into those defensive positions and then it was like crashing into a brick wall. Very enjoyable.👍

    1. Glad it was enjoyable for you Matt, I think that slope down to Soggas Bottom was more trepidatious than it looked.

  3. “Warlord Crumpus Fudd has got wind” I suspect ‘twas this, rather than activation problems that distracted the Saxon cause. I blame that Senna Holy Woman :-)

    Lovely action and table, just some good quality gaming time by the sounds of it.

  4. Those are some lovely looking figures on that table!


  5. Another great looking action and an enjoyable read. You and M. Crumpus sure set the standard for handsome game tables. Well done!

    1. Thank you Jonathan, glad you like our efforts.

  6. Another splendid looking game Phil.

    1. Thank you Jon, one has to try and keep the light shining in these dark times.

  7. Lovely looking game and some useful close ups on your dark age buildings as I'm currently trying to knock some out!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, picked my up at Partizan, can't remember the name, PMC perhaps? Just remember that for painted buildings they were cheap as chips, I think Caliver market them now.
