Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 9 November 2020

A Place In The Sun

 I have recently completed my German platoon for action in Italy using figures the Perry Miniatures plastic and metal range.

Excuse the lack of captions, despite using the new format before it was rolled out with no issue, since then well that's Blogger for you, can never let well alone.

Now on with the American opposition

Keep safe and KBO.



  1. They crept out on the sly Phil! Really don't understand your Blogger issues, it must be your vintage hardware?

    1. The first few have been blogged earlier, but none of the recent ones🙂

  2. Lovely work Phil , keep going as it would be good to see them fighting !

  3. Thank you Matt, more Americans are underway and I have a M3A1 light tank primed, hope to get the airbrush out this week and get that underway too.

  4. That is lovely work Phil, wish my eyes and patience were up to it.

  5. Lovely looking Italian campaign Germans, it's a nice mix of European and north African kit!
    Best Iain
