Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 13 November 2020

More Bolt Action Solo

 Following the excellent game via Zoom with Matt and the arrival of another mat from Geek Villain an autumn one this time I was inspired to play another solo game using Bolt Action rules this time.

I used the solo play cards from the Bolt Action Facebook group again and again if the orders card was to way out given the tactical situation I made a judgement on what the most likely course of action that would be taken.

My morale house rules would be in play and also a random event dice would be added to the dice bag on a roll of 4 - 6 on a D6. The aim was for the British to clear the town outskirts, the game would last the usual six turns with a dice throw of 4 - 6 determining a seventh turn.

I randomly diced for the placement of the Germans who would deploy in the buildings and count as hidden the British would enter along their base line on the draw of their order dice except the Cromwell which would arrive on turn three with a dice roll deciding on which road it would enter on. They would also have preliminary bombardment whilst the Germans would get a Forward Artillery Observer, any smoke fired from the British 2" mortar if not on target the landing of the round would placed using scatter dice, none of this the opponent places it nonsense.

The Germans got off lightly with the preliminary bombardment as you can see in the middle two pictures.

The British build up to the attack was steady up and till turn four when the attack intensified, no random event dice was added for those turns. The German fire from the buildings was not having the desired effect so two squads broke cover moving into closer range, the German FAO finally got the barrage in pinning the centre attacking sections, the flank section meanwhile was able to get around attacking the German squad in close combat causing them to retreat.
Luck for the British in turn five with a random event caused confusion in the German ranks putting the squad in the building down.
The random event in turn six went the Germans way giving them an extra activation, in desperation the squad on the left flank charged the British who had taken up position in the forward building the fight was close but the Germans were forced to retreat, to add insult to injury the Cromwell destroyed the PAK 40 and crew and the victorious flanking section put paid to the panzerschrek team.
even without a turn seven it looked all in for the Germans.

A seventh turn was rolled and put the final nail in the German coffin.

Until next time keep safe and KBO



  1. Brilliant looking action, Phil! Your terrain is especially eye-catching. Very enjoyable narrative. Thank you!

  2. Thank you Jonathan, pleased you enjoyed it.

  3. Well that looks marvellous! And you won!😁

  4. A good game there Phil on a lovely table. Just started my game today.

    1. Thank you George. I look forward to reading and viewing your exploits in due course.

  5. Hi Phil. I keep seeing that you are commenting on the same blogs that I am commenting on, which probably means we have the same good taste. 😀. So I found my way over here to have a look around. You have a great blog full of wonderful posts.
    Glad your solo game was fun and the terrain and miniatures look good too. Now following. 😀

    1. Thank you Stew, all new visitors extremely welcome, pleased you have found something of interest.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you kindly, not as much fun than with a real opponent though.

  7. Lovely looking game , really good looking terrain and figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. It was an enjoyable game if a tad difficult to outwit oneself, though I think I managed😂

  8. Splendid looking game Phil, terrain looking fantastic especially the ruined building !👍
