Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday, 29 November 2020

More Solo Shenanigans

 With no sign of lockdown (being in Tier 3 is as good as) ending any time soon it was time to run out another solo game, I have decided to run a little mini campaign with my 28mm World War British and Germans using Chain of Command and the relevant bits from the At The Sharp End campaign guide.

First up scenario one in the rule book, force morale was high for both sides British 11, Germans 10. The Germans aggressive patrol phase saw the British on the back foot from the start.

The German table edge was at the top, their patrol markers starting between the culvert and the two roads as you look at the photo, the British started bottom left.
Of course the wheat will stop the bullets Hans
Come on lads the wheat will cover us
Maybe not.
If we can just work around their flank.
They will not move us from here now.
We are a bit hemmed in here Corp.
The failed flanking move section examine their shock

Although the British force morale was still high at eight to oust the Germans would mean losing too many men with one section already hors de combat the British withdrew leaving the Germans in control of the field.

The British core platoon are four men down now with three missing until scenario three. The Germans core platoon are two men down with one man missing until scenario three.

The British CO's opinion is down to -1 whilst the men's with four men lost and five wounded is down to -3 this will reduce their force morale result by one for the next scenario.

The German CO's opinion is +1 has is the men's this has no immediate effect on their force morale going into scenario two.

To be continued............ 

Until next time keep safe and KBO.



  1. Phil, the gaming mat is looking really nice.

    1. Really like it one of my star purchases this year, miss the old towelling boards but this is a lot more versatile and lighter๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Glad you are getting the troops out Phil, I am still managed but it is an uphill struggle as I see no ending of the tunnel. Operation Pegasus kicks off this week in the PO.

  3. It's all looking rather grim at the moment isn't it. Just keeping up the painting, a few games via Zoom, kindly arranged by Matt Crump and solo efforts helps keep one reasonably sane. Look forward to reading your reports in due course.

  4. Nice to see the chap's in action, shame about your choice of rules though...๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Getting the chaps out is keeping a bit of insanity here. Shame you don't like them๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Great looking game Phil.
    I do find playing a campaign gets the best out of them, you're less likely to waste troops, instead just take the loss and prepare for the next round.

    1. Thank you Paul. Yes in a one off you would carry on regardless no matter how hopeless it looked.

  6. Nice looking game Phil, I’m afraid I have become lazy on rules

    1. Thank you Matt. Wouldn't say I have become lazy but I do find trying to learn new rules more difficult. I am always interested when new sets become available especially if they do not have to much faff to learn. Having said that trying to retain them all well๐Ÿค”

  7. I passed by your house around 13:15 last Sunday. Saw the light on in the front room and thought I bet that's Phil playing with himself.

  8. Nice photos! It’s been a long while since I played CoC but posts like these remind me of how fun the rules can be. A solo campaign would be a good way to pass the time during periods of lockdown. In some ways us wargamers are fortunate to have the hobby during these times. ๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Thank you Stew. CoC isn't everyone's cup of tea but I enjoy them and they are ideal for playing solo I find.

  10. Nice little action and great looking terrain and figures. Totally agree about the benefits of a campaign keeping the player "honest" when it comes to casualties - fighting on to the bitter end just to keep the game going always seems a bit pointless to me!
