Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Chain Of Command - Solo en España

A solo outing today, for no reason other than to try out the new mat and roads as mentioned in the previous post.

I will not bore folk with a blow by blow account, here are some shots of the game with the odd caption. The game was a pretty static affair, which is probably a reflection of playing against ones self rather than the rules and command dice rolled.


Aerial Shot
The Hermitage

The Legion Deploy

The Other Section Work Their Way Towards The Opposite Flank

The Republic Prepare To Give A Hot Reception

The Legion Return Fire In Kind

The Flanking Section Advance Is Very slow

The Republic Deploy A Bilbao Armoured Car

The Section NCO Is Wounded

The Legion Repay The Compliment

The Flanking Section Receives Withering Fire From The Republic Section Deployed In The Wood 

Surprise, Surprise!

The Republic Take Advantage Of The Carnage And Advance To Contact

Supported By A Squad Of Dinamiteros


The Legion Are Pushed Back

Although the Legion morale was relatively high their squads were too depleted to carry on the attack so withdrew.

Blogger is having one of its days again, can't get the spacing any better.

Quite pleased with how the mat looks with bits in place, the varying light conditions in Darkest Rawnsley do not give a true colour of the mat, but I think you can see the subtle colour variations.



  1. Mat and roads look fine. Why you persevere with Lard junk I've no idea, but there you go. (We won 1-0 by the way)

    1. Yup really pleased with them. As for CoC, well it is certainly an acquired taste, can't say it is a set I would play often, I do enjoy watching games of it on YouTube though.

  2. The new mat looks great and matches your figure basing and terrain well.

    1. Thank you Paul. It all seems to meld pretty well, the grass at the edge of the road is a tad green but will have to do service in Europe so I will have to live with that.

  3. Mat looks great Phil and blends well, I find myself flicking between mat and my textured bases. If I had unlimited space the things I could build...but I don’t 😢

    1. Thanks Matt. Yes textured and underpaying boards are great, but you need so many for variety and thus space.

  4. Phil, nice game with the texture of the mat being picked up. The green edge on FF roads give good definition and are actually a good match with the ‘39 mat that I picked up. I have tried some hills under the mat, which while working well from a play perspective, is not picked up by the camera, but that is typically true of all such things.

    1. Thank you Norm. Yes I had a hill underneath too, the Legion are crossing it in the 7th photo.

  5. Love the roads, reminded me that I should do some Y sections for mine. It's great to see someone gaming the SCW and with CoC too! The España supplement is very good, and free!

    1. Indeed, the forces are perhaps a little too text book in places but a splendid resource for using other rule sets too.

  6. Very nice looking game! Funnily enough my solo games tend to be less static as when I'm playing an opponent. Probably because both sides are led by an idiot 😂

    1. Thank you Nick, it may have been a little different if the flank attack had been a little less tardy, some very low dice rolls for movement.
