Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Partizan II.....and finally

Steve Jones put on another of his splendid AWI games a fictional encounter Watiff's Bend

This fine ACW game, The Battle of Point Republic 1862 put on by Durham Wargames, struck a chord with me, so much so that I drifted over to Dave Thomas's stand perusing the Perry ACW range, mad I know as Dave has an extensive collection, but some early war units would not hurt, would it? Sense prevailed and I resisted, or was it that there were not enough packs to make the units I wanted?

Nottingham Wargamers were putting on a RCW game, Matt Crump has the RCW bug so I said I would get some pics to inspire him further.

Well that's all folks, I never got back down to the participation area where there were lots more inspiring tables, a bit miffed as I particularly liked the Italian Wars game using Sharp Practice 2, put on by the Harrogate club, very photogenic it was too, so I am sure there will be pics elsewhere.
Roll on next May.
I was a very good boy and apart from the September issue of WI, I only got my pre-orders and what was on my list, this being, more SCW Republican troops from Empress, some bases from Warbases, wire spears from Coriatani, Vallejo paint from HLBS, tufts from Great Escape Games and a pack of Footsore Miniatures Irish slingers from Ainsty.



  1. So many great looking games, I might need to go next year based on all these photos!
    Best Iain

  2. A visual treat indeed, so much to tempt and inspire.

  3. Thanks for these three posts, I've enjoyed seeing the games vicariously.

  4. Yes, thanks for taking the time to snap the photos and blog them all together.

    Would you happen to have any more information about Steve Jones' Watiff's Bend game. I'm wondering if he had something like a hand out with scenario details?

    1. You are welcome William. Don't remember on the AWI question, but check out Steve's blog

    2. Thanks Phil. Steve has a great blog with nice photos and a series of posts about designing and play testing the scenario.

  5. Splendid pictures once again, especially like these AWI pics, thanks one more time for sharing!

  6. Excellent looking games, You held off the ACW ! hard to start a new project when you know somebody with a large collection already. Thanks again for sharing the RCW 😀 I am starting to list in my head what else I need !

    1. Not forgetting the things you don't need but will have anyway ;~)

  7. A friend travelled down from here but due to the road jams he only managed an hour or so at the venue, he did say what he saw was good.

    1. It was indeed, and a good solid historical presence too.

  8. Great show / game
    Yellow field makes the effect
    and battle scenes
