Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Rompan El Fuego

Another all infantry bash this week at OHQ, this time we are off to civil war Spain for another game using Rapid Fire rules with Mark Hannam's rule suggestions.
The Republican advance to Rawnsla continues, the Nationalists have sent a Foreign Legion tercio with support from a Requette tercio to halt the advance.
The advance guard of the Republicans consists of an International Brigade battalion which in turn has the support of four Anarchist militia centuria.
The Nationalists Advance

The Anarchists Move To Counter La Legion

International Brigaders Occupy The farm
I took the Nationalist forces, my plan was to hold the Republican advance with the Requettes while the Legion would envelope them, a major floor with this plan was that I forgotten that infantry only move 6" cross country with Rapid Fire rules and the table was set up with minimal cover, which meant that by the time the Legion got in position the Republicans were sitting in cover and the Legion had a lot of open space to cover to reach them.
Stand Off

Stand Off

The Requettes Take Cover

The Anarchists Having Also Retired To Cover

The Legion Also Fall Back
The Requettes were doing their job well enough but were taking to many casualties to storm the farm complex, two more casualties would require a morale test, so they were pulled back. Meanwhile Dave sent forward the Anarchist militia to head off the Legion while the Internationals got in place in the farm complex. Taking the expected casualties they eventually had to take a morale test which was passed, next turn the Nationalists were unable to cause further casualties to force another one. With time running out a winning draw was declared for the Republic, both sides hunkering down to await reinforcements with the Republic having a better position for the struggle to come.
Till next time.

Hasta La Vista


  1. Splendid figures and terrain. Bold strategy from the Republicans carried the day!

  2. Beautiful figures on beautiful terrain - thanks for sharing! :-)

    1. You are most welcome, and thank you for the fine endorsement.

  3. Lovely figures and scenery, the cart and haystack are great and still a close game.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. The cart and load is a Warbases piece, the haystack is from Coriatani. Quite taken with using Rapid Fire for the period.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Gordon. Working on a hill top monastery at the moment to add more variety to my Spanish terrain.

  5. Another beautiful game, lovely figures.

  6. Inspiring stuff! How do you like Rapid Fire? Would you recommend it for WW2?

    1. Thank you William. I would certainly recommend Rapid Fire for WW2, we have used them since they were first released, although I now use Battlegroup I still play using Rapid Fire from time to time and we use them exclusively for our Normandy games over at GHQ. Although currently OOP, I believe Colin found some whilst having a clear out so there may be a copy or two about.

  7. Great report and some fab photos of your lovely collection. Must be something wrong though if the Republic get the word 'winning' in their result :)

    1. Thanks Paul, I think that secretly I don't want the Nationalists to win, so play badly and throw poor dice. That's my excuse anyway :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, Christopher, satisfaction guaranteed, well that's to plan anyway ;~)

  9. Lovely game as always.....having been to the Russian revolution exhibition in London I am now seriously thinking about a new period 🙂

    1. Thanks Matt. If you go for RCW I have some unpainted Copplestone Whites you can have at half price.

    2. There I was wavering on the edge ! It was the copplestone castings I was looking at as well as they have a reasonable range for both sides. I hestotate to ask what you have to get rid of ? When you get a chance send me a list of what you have/cost my email is no rush as I am still wavering 🙂

  10. Great work, these stunning pictures, theme, and color tones

  11. Hi Phil, how are you? What beautiful photos. Do you know where I can get the "Rompan El Fuego" supplement? I've been looking and can't find it anywhere. Thanks.
