Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Bring Me Sunshine

Eric and Ernie compare notes, this years Partizan figures, Earnest Hemingway and Eric Blair aka George Orwell.
I thought while I am posting I would include pictures of  the progress of my semi-historical Wars of the Roses project.
First up, Eddie's mob.

One more base of Yorkist men-at-arms to do, then I will return to do the same and some bill men for Maggies crew, who only has some archers and a solitary mounted knight at the moment.
Figures are Perry plastic and metal figures.



  1. Love the Hemingway and Orwell figures!

  2. I got so excited about the SCW miniatures that I forgot to compliment you on the great WOR paint job. The closer you look, the better the figures look.

  3. "You can't see the join!"
    On a different note the metal WotR figures look good, the plastic tatt you can keep for me old bean? NT on Tuesday?

  4. Nice Eric and Ernie figures, lovely Perry plastics, I think it's their best kit.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. Have to agree on the medieval plastics, really suits the figures, has Eric would say, "You can't sed the join"
      They are quicker to assemble than clean the metals up too.

  5. Wonderful painted, very well done, Phil!

  6. Nice job....I have some WoR figures and knights but that is another project.

    1. Thank you Matt. You do, the dreaded plastic plague strikes, fun isn't it?
