Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 21 August 2017

Partizan II Part two

The suitably attired chaps of the Very British Civil War Parlour can always be relied upon to present a fine game, I was particularly taken with the train.
Simon "B De" Millar put on another of his epic ancient extravaganzas using his fine To The Strongest rules, this time it was the battle of Leuctra.

The lads from Derby Wargames Society continued to impress with this late 17th century game.

Phil Olley put on this charming Imagination/SYW game, complete with a working windmill and a fine informative handout.

The League of Gentleman Anti-Alchemists presented a Texas War of Independence game using Sharp Practice 2 and figures from the characterful Boot Hill Miniatures range.

To be continued.....................................


  1. Thanks for posting the pictures. Many beautiful games there. /Mattias

  2. More really nice games!
    Best Iain

  3. A visual overload in fact, could have spent half the time taking pics quite easily.

  4. It looks like I missed some fine games...

  5. Great looking games I need to get it in the diary for next year 🙂

  6. Fine pictures and scenes
    The train makes always impact, here sees too little
