Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 26 June 2017

Zero Hour

The bombardment Tommy gave us was devastating, two of my sections suffered very badly and refused to leave their shelters for a long time and when they did they were so shaken that their fire was quite ineffectual. We held on for as long as we could, but there was no way we would stop Tommy over running us, I trust that we gave our comrades the time they needed, we were helped by the fact that the bombardment also effected our enemy, slowing his advance over the shattered ground.  Therefore my remaining men were able to make a hasty retreat before being completely over run.

Leutnant Weiss
Rawnslie Les Bains Sector

Probably not the best of games I have devised, the terrain slowed up the allied advance a little too much, having said it did compensate for the effects of the pre-game bombardment, with out its slowing effects the game would have been a short one.
The game however did highlight why we had left the rules to one side, it reiterates my earlier thoughts that the game works and flows better with a dedicated umpire, having to check and look up rules, turn cards and keep track of what the Germans were doing was a little to much.
I think we both enjoyed the game but if it is just the two of us playing we will stick to using Bolt Action for future games.



  1. Yes, I enjoyed our game and also agree with your assessment of why we went over to Bolt Action, especially at my age now! Sad that I lost Speckled Jim though...

    1. Glad you did, although you had to endure me fumbling through the rule book numerous times :~) back to Bolt Action for the next one, where we both have some idea of what we are doing :~)

  2. Great looking game.........and those atmospheric photos excellent 😀

    1. Thanks Matt, had to do them all, the light coming through the window today washed the colours out.

  3. I admit when I bought the rules I read them and got very confused by them. I have never played a game with them but swapped onto "Crush the Kaiser!" instead. Great looking game as usual!

    1. Yes they are not the best laid out rules, I was confused today and have played several games. They are the sort you need to play on a regular basis I think, I do like them, but has I said they benefit by being run by some one to keep the flow going.

  4. Thank you Phil, one does ones best.

  5. Wonderful pics of what looks like a great game!

    1. Thank you Gordon. Not the best of games, and I am not referring to my dice rolls, I am used to that :~) But enjoyable enough, spent to much time checking the rule book and with Dave having to cross all that difficult ground, slowed it down to much.

  6. Very good looking game, the whole thing is excellent right down to the photos.

  7. Thank you George, while it may look the part, the game was a tad clunky, I am sure the next will run a tad smoother.

  8. Very evocative photos- great stuff.


