Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 30 June 2017

Are We Nearly There Yet?

Prompted by Dave's earlier post, I thought that I would have a re-cap on the progress I have made thus far in 2017.
Spanish Civil War
Twenty eight figures and an armoured car painted.
First Carlist War
Nothing added this year.
The Great War
Eleven figures.
World War Two
Eleven figures.
Dark Ages
Eighteen figures.
Third Century Rome
Twenty figures.
Wars Of The Roses
A resurrected project, inspired by Kevin and Peter's fine display game at Carronade. I have painted three new figures and rebased and repainted the livery where necessary, see my last WotR post.

I have also painted four goats, a donkey and a bull, together with a hay cart. Scenery wise three enclosures and a stable yard.
Quite pleased with progress, ninety one figures in all, not bad I thought considering I pimp my brushes as well.
Below are some pics of the Wars of the Roses rebasing and my latest terrain piece, that is in progress, a cemetery.



  1. You forgot the terrain bits you have made for me or helped me with! Grand progress in you circumstances, as I repeatedly tell you!

    1. Thank you DB, I had forgotten about the hilly bits and the petrol pump.

  2. Good progress, the secret is do what you enjoy and what inspires you. I love the WoR figures just don't need another period just yet đŸ˜€

    1. Thanks Matt, the WotR will remain a back burner at the moment.

  3. Wotr figures are lovely and the cemetery looks like it will be great, is it for Spain or multiple places?
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, mostly for Spain, but I have tried to make it not too Spanish so that it can be used elsewhere, space is short so have to compromise on these things.

  4. I do like those WotR troops, I sold hundreds about two years ago, sadly they were just gathering dust.

  5. Thank you George, the WotR is a rum one, love the period and the figures but the thought of blocks of similar troops slugging out on the table is a bit off putting. But my it does look good.
