Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 26 June 2017

Der Tommy Kommt - 1918

We have held Church Hill for a long time, due to circumstances in adjoining sectors we must give up this position over which much blood has been spilt in the last few years, we will leave with both relief and regret. However we must continue to hold until our comrades have taken up our new positions to the rear, intelligence says that an assault by Tommy is imminent, so it appears more blood will be spilt before we leave, so sad, when will it all end?

Leutnant Weiss
Rawnslie Les Bains Sector

For the action we will use a slightly modified Through The Blood And The Mud rules, my cards are marked up "Allied NCO and Allied Big Man 2" etc. this means that we can also use the card to activate a Big Man of our choosing rather than a specific one to give each player a little more control. However the Germans will start on blinds in the first turns until spotted or until the Big Man card with the relevant number equating to the number on the blinds is drawn, when the unit will dice for the effect of the Allied bombardment and then activate accordingly if applicable.
The Allies will deploy from three Deployment Points, these will be placed either six inches or twelve inches from the Allied base line dependant on an opposed dice roll and must be placed at least twelve inches apart. The Allies will not be on blinds but must be spotted as if they were.

Come back later to see how it all went or if you are on the FB Tabletop Wargames Network group check it out for some in action shots.



  1. Just back from the Front! I'm afraid Speckled Jim didn't make it back though...

  2. The Flanders Pidgeon Murderer strikes again!
