Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 12 June 2017

Viva La Republica!

Today International Brigade commander Biklic lead the troops to a victory over the rebel forces holding the village of Rawnsla. The battalion aided by a newly arrived T26 and an armoured truck manned by their comrades in the militia, caught the rebel forces napping in a dawn attack.
The much vaunted Legion were in total disarray and caused few casualties on the attackers, yes my luck with the dice on home turf continues to allude me.
Below are some pics of the action, which we fought out using Rapid Fire rules with the Rompan El Fuego amendments, well those I remembered to use anyway. A fine game which rattled along to reach a conclusion in three hours including a break for lunch.
The left flank advances behind the armoured truck

The arty farty shot.

The T26 sends La Legion packing

The centre advance.

Coming under heavy MG fire the remaining men in the company take cover behind the Tiznaos.

The myopic Rebel Pak37

The Rebel flank is turned.

The Dynamiteros ready themselves for the final assault.

The stables are taken.

The last Legion company prepare to die Viva La Muerte!


  1. Do I get the feeling that you prefer the RF variation to that with BA. Played your approach action on Sunday with the 6 man Legion and Moroccan squads. Bolt action seemed very hard on armour, with the 37mm and the effectiveness of a medium mortar.

    1. I think I like the level of the game more than anything, I know lots of folk can't get to grips with the 1 fig = 15 men/1 tank = 5 approach, Don't know why, we are happy to do it with other periods. It suits me anyway. Thinking of ditching any attempt to raise enough figures for CoC and sticking with BA and RF as the mood suits.

  2. That's two on the bounce now where my plan has worked, though aided by your skill with the dice I freely admit! Always a pleasure to play with such a spectacular collection though!

  3. Glad you enjoyed it, and didn't laugh to much at my gift of being able to roll one's consistently :~)
    Next time we will have all the toys in the table for a big set to, as the rebels try and retake Rawnsla.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Christopher, I think I get more satisfaction setting up the table and watching the game unfold than playing.

  5. As usual, atmospheric and beautiful pictures, a great looking game!

    1. Thank you Phil, glad you think that I get feel of the setting right.

  6. Beautiful painted figures, wonderful terrain and very atmospheric pictures - thanks for sharing!

  7. Thank you Utgaard, glad you appreciate my efforts.

  8. Lovely looking game, even if it didn't go your way, very nice church and there's something about aT26!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, the Nationalist deployment was randomised, which left the Pak 37 on the opposite flank to the T26! Doubt it mattered though the Pak couldn't hit a barn door anyway ;~)

  9. Cracking table and figs as always!

  10. Lovely stuff, the arty photo says it all a dedication to quality, we'll wait to see what happens next 😀 Out of interest is your campaign open ended, loosely factual or entirely made up ?

    1. Thank you Matt.

      " Out of interest is your campaign open ended, loosely factual or entirely made up ?"

      Yes ;~) Very loosely factual, although towns did change hands on many occasions. One reads a lot of Republican forces gaining ground and not being able to hold it. Unless my dice luck improves I doubt Rawnsla will be retained any time soon :~(

    2. Re-taken, damn auto correct.

  11. Another beautiful game. I too get a lot of pleasure out of 'setting the scene' and I like the 'arty farty' shot.

  12. Thank you George. A Great War game up next, perhaps not as visually appealing, but I think that the landscapes have their own haunting appeal.
