Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 1 August 2016

Trench Tatting

I remembered that I had picked a trench line gun emplacement from John at Ironclad Miniatures last year, so I got the terrain to do box out and also discovered that I had four T sections to do also. Well I thought they can't all be the same can they? I had always liked the shell damaged trench Dave Andrews had modelled into his superb trench system and thought perhaps I could similar with one of the T sections, so out came the old razor saw.
Out Of The Box

Corner Hacked With Saw, Milliput To Build Up Spoil And Extra Detritus And Sandbags Added

Railway Ballast Added


A Close Up
I have not forgotten the piece I was looking to dig out to paint :-)

Next up is to add some of the rubble piles I got at WMMS from Charlie Foxtrot Models, (do check them out they have some marvellous stuff ) to my 4Ground buildings.
Dave and myself have a busy weekend ahead so we have changed next weeks game to another Great War outing with Bolt Action rules.



  1. First Class tatting there Phil, well done! I look forward to seeing them on the game next Monday!

  2. Great terrain can we see the whole stretch together ?

    1. Thank you Matt. We are doing a game on Monday, I will take some general shots then and put them up.

  3. Cracking work. I have a pile of this such awaiting my attention at some point!

    1. Thank you Stephen. You will enjoy doing them when you get around to it, they paint up really well.
