Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 10 August 2020

El Puente Revista

 Having decided the next game here would be a Spanish Civil War action I then thought I would like to see a river on the table again. With impeccable timing Norm ( ) came along with a blog post of a scenario he had used for an American Civil War game to try out the Perry's Firepower rules that come with their Battle In a Box set. So I have unashamedly stolen it for this game, because I was playing the game across the length of the table and it was to be an all infantry game with the maximum move of 10" we increased the turns to nine with the die roll deciding an additional turn.

We used the Battlegroup rules mechanisms with the number of orders being decided on a D6 roll plus one for the platoon leader, the result would equal the number of Bolt Action order dice would be put in the bag to decide who acted during the turn.


The Nationalist force would enter the table left of the picture and the Republicans the right, although initial units on the table and orders were sparse for both sides they quickly got men on the river bank to thwart any crossing attempts.

Being nearer to the bridge the Nationalists were soon sending troops running down the road to claim the bridge, unfortunately orders were not sufficient to get support up in time and the squad on the bridge immediately fell victim to accurate fire from the Republicans on the opposite side.


We broke for lunch on turn four with the game looking to being a draw, the Nationalists unable to take the advantage of being nearer the bridge and the Republicans unable to capitalise on it, however the Nationalists had taken a fair amount of casualties whereas the Republicans had taken none.

By turn eight the situation had not really changed but with the unpredictability of the orders roll and subsequent dice draw things could still turn for either side. It was however not to be, turn nine saw both sides units either pinned or too far away to gain control of the bridge. An honourable draw was declared.

A most enjoyable game and a great scenario, many thanks Norm.

Off to GHQ next week for some revolutionary action in Italy.

TTFN, keep safe and KBO


  1. A really interesting game which proved just beyond the Republican forces in the end, despite a well executed battle plan! Lack of order dice in the first and final turns was decisive!

  2. Great looking game. Glad you had fun.

    1. Thank you, it was fun and challenging in equal measure.

  3. That that worked well, the table looks lovely and just helps convey the story. I like the idea of the BA dice to mix it up a bit.

    1. Thank you Norm, a really good scenario. I didn't want to use the BG igugo turn sequence the dice draw gives a more chaotic SCW feel.

  4. I have a soft spot for SCW - nice figures and terrain! Cheers Greg

    1. Thank you Greg. I got interested after a visit to Spain while I was but a lad and later by the articles and games by the late Robin Hunt, I had a small collection of the the old Hotspur 20mm range.

    2. My interest is more recent after a visit in 2018, coupled with a friend who built up armies using irregular miniatures. I didn't realise Hotspur did the SCW - such a shame they don't exist anymore. I have a nice collection of their Northern Ireland range.

    3. The range was available from RH Models and one time but I am not sure they exist anymore either.

  5. Lovely stuff Phil......sometimes a draw is a good result. I notice you have been using gravel for your roads they look the part but aren’t they a bit of a faff cleaning up ?

    1. Thank you Matt, these days a draw is a win win for me🙂 The road is actually dried tea leaves, I sweep it up with a small dust pan and brush afterwards and then shake the cloth outside to get off any residue.

  6. Nice report and lovely table Phil.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Jon. It was good to see you if all but briefly the other day.

  8. A lovely looking game Phil...
    The tea leaves work well for the road... they might work well for ploughed fields.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. That's a good idea I shall try it out next outing.

  9. Beautiful table and figures plus a fab little report!

  10. Lovely looking game and a draw is at least not a loss!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, a draw is the best I can hope for, although I have a few away wins under the belt now.

  11. I always enjoy reading your SCW games. A draw is not good enough, the Communists will blame the Socialists for not being fervent enough.

    1. Thank you Paul, glad you like them. The Nationalists were more than happy with a draw🙂
