Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 28 February 2025

Paratroopers And Partisans

For something a little different I have decided to add a partisan brigade to my WWII Soviet collection. 
For particular operations, particularly in the build up to Operation Bagration paratroops could be drop in to support them.
The first of the partisans a HQ and demolition team.
Secondly a brigade squad.
The figures are from Check Point Miniatures and the bases from Warbases.
I hope to pick up more partisans at Hammerhead on Saturday from Grubby Tanks, these are Britannia Miniatures a lot more chunky than CP but they will meld in on the table if kept in their own squads.
Another WW2 game is planned in OHQ next week.
Until next time KBO


  1. Interesting mix of figures and all handsomely painted. Have not seen this manufacturer before. Unique sculpting style that gives the impression of the figures being underfed.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. The difference doesn't appear to show up on the table in 20mm like it does with 28mm for some reason

  2. Lovely work Phil, I don’t remember seeing the squared bases before ?

    1. Thank you Matt. They are listed has round cornered bases in the website.

  3. Grand additions to the Soviet hordes! Perhaps one distant day I may even lead them to a victory!
