Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Latest Additions

A mixture of recently completed stuff for my 3rd century and Great War collections.

My latest unit of Goths, I have to paint another mounted unit and I will have enough for a small game. Figures are from Foundry Casting Room, Footsore and Gripping Beast Miniatures, shield transfers from LBMS to finish off.

More terrain bits for No-Man's Land, all  purchased from Coriatani at The Other Partizan earlier in the month, the waterlogged piece is the marsh with a shell hole, duck boarding and corrugated iron sheet added to set the piece for the Great War.

We did not have a game yesterday, we tackled the first stage of Dave's Mountains of the Moon terrain piece instead, keep a look out on the Tales From Rhanslistan blog for a progress report as it develops.



  1. Super Goths, Phil! Looking forward to their first outing fairly soon. Nice terrain pieces too. Can't blog on mountains until you email me some pics as I forgot to take any yesterday.

    1. Thank you DB. Progress pics will be en-route soonish ;-)

  2. Lovely figures beautifully setup on the base too 😀

  3. Very much the big base with Goths was pleasant. That to what I always aspired

  4. Pleased you like them and are suitably inspired.

  5. Lovely looking goths, dirty looking marsh really good.
    Best Iain

  6. Those Goths look sensational Phil - love the larger bases and the scope it allows.

  7. Splendid productions, these Goths are terrific!

  8. Thanks Phil. Hope to be able to use them in anger early next month.
