Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

We All Do It Don't We?

There you are sitting at your work station/desk/dining/kitchen table (delete as appropriate) gently squeezing that pot of Vallejo, nicht, nowt, zilch, so you squeeze a little harder and gush enough paint to paint the QE2 for these eventualities I try to ensure I have figures on hand to splash paint on, the same goes when you get the amount of paint on your pallet that you think you want and realise you didn't want that much after all. This does have its advantages as I now have another base worth of Goths and Bob Murch's latest Movember figure done, OK I did have to get the odd colour out to complete them but not much, while I was basing these and some commission stuff I finally got a couple of casualty figure bases done as well.
No games last week due to to elderly relative issues, I will however be popping to Bickley Towers with the forces of SPIFF (see my "True To The East" and Dave's "Tales From Rhanzlistan" blog for info on their exploits) for a WI photo shoot to accompany Dave's forthcoming article.

Standard Bearer Is A Foundry Figure, The Others Musketeer, All With LBMS Shield Transfers

Ronnie Rawnsley, Tommy Gun For Hire



  1. Fabulous stuff! That Ronnie Rawnsley is especially awesome. What make is he?

    1. Pleased you like them. It is a Pulp Figures Movember fund raiser figure

  2. Nice work on the hairy Germans! I see the Baldinnis are employing mercenary hitmen now too...

    1. Thanks Dave. Yes most of the family are a tad indiposed at present.

  3. Yes also like the dark ages minis! Evening suit is very well done.

    1. Thanks Simon. Hope your rules are going well.

    2. Great news, I shall have to invest in a set at some point.

  4. I too am a victim of the Vallejo over squeeze, think I waste more paint that way than ends up on figures. Lovely shading effect on the Ronnie Rawnsley figure.

  5. Love these Germans, and the face of Ronnie Rawnsley is really impressive!
