Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Family health issues continue to consume my time, any free time is currently being spent painting the paid stuff so to keep the blog ticking and me sane, here, as they say is one I did earlier together with with some pics of the recent French Indian Wars game at GHQ, where you will also find a write up of the action.

SHQ Miniatures Panther AusfG

Major Joroas plans the defence of New Cheltenham

British Regulars prepare to stoutly defend Fort Aston

Col. Robinspierre's French Regulars advance on the township

The townsfolk prepare to sell themselves dearly

French Regulars storm the bridge

Chief Biccachook's Braves enter the town

Fierce fighting ensues

The French get hemmed in by British Regulars, meanwhile the Town Militia hold at bay the French irregulars and Indians
For those folk who like to know such things, the stone house is by Architectural Heritage, the blue farm building was scratch built by Dave and myself, long ago, far longer than both of us care to remember, the shacks etc were also scratched by Dave, although I think I may have done the piggy sty. The bridge is an old Ian Weekly piece, trees, fences, fields etc are from The Last Valley, I built the boards, a commission for GHQ. Dave picked up the fort from the Derby Worlds one year for the princely sum of £14 painted, those were the days when you could really find a bargain, we believe it is a Grand Mannr piece. The figures are all wonderfully painted by Dave and are mainly Redoubt figures.

That's all folks.



  1. You took some great pictures of our game Phil, thanks for the heads up too! Chin up in the present crisis, it will pass as I know only too well. See you on Friday/Sunday {Delete whichever will not apply}.

    1. Thanks David, I think it is more your tremendous set up and the camera not my photographic skills though. See you Fri/Sun, or even both.

  2. Great looking game Phil with some lovely figures. On a stunning looking table. All the best to you and yours.


    1. Much appreciated. I am blessed to be able to have use of them.
