Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 12 December 2014

A Little Diversion Into -

Sci-Fi - over on the Lead Adventure Forum the latest 100 painting club subject is on the Future Wars board. I have had this Studio McVey figure assembled, primed and based for a while now, I could not resist getting it I just like way Kev White has conveyed the sense of the unseen menace in the piece. This was just the excuse I needed to get it completed and have a break from painting wargame pieces.
Lt. Kara Black

I glued the base that comes with it to a round MDF base covered with plastic card chequer plate and extended the goo, I am not sure I like the way I painted the goo, I may redo this at some point. No game next week as I am away for a few days, and yes the painting goes with me, no rest for the self-employed. Hopefully we will get a game in the week after before the Christmas festivities, a First Carlist War or Spanish Civil War game is planned.



  1. Thank you Michael, quite pleased how she turned out.

  2. Very nicely done and a very nice figure.

    1. Thank you Mark, it was nice to paint something a little different. It's back on to Romans and First Carlist War stuff now for my own projects.

  3. That's a cool model. You've painted her perfectly.

    1. Thanks, glad you think so. One of Kev Whites finest

  4. Thanks DB, I am back on to proper stuff now :-)
