Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 18 March 2024

WMMS 2024 Part 2

Following on from part one,
Two rather fine and dandy ACW games, first one presenting the battle of Frederick 1862
I didn't see any name labels for this other fine example below
The chaps from Shrewsbury never disappoint with their superb games, a rather splendid medieval bash this year.
More photos to come but I don't want to break Blogger as I seem to have done with my initial post.


  1. I'm glad you got photos of the second ACW game, opportunity eluded me. Great photos of great games, what's not to like?

  2. Very fine games all round I would have liked to take shots of the other games but there is only so much one can do.

  3. Apparently the Shrewsbury chaps used wallpaper to create the relief on the scratch-built castle shown in your last picture... very cleaver I thought! Inspiring ideas for projects going forward.

  4. Very clever indeed and it works a treat.

  5. The ACW shots of the fighting at the bridge are superb. `really surprised to hear of the wallpaper ‘build technique’ …. Superbly done.

  6. Loved the ACW game, that's has lots of inspiration to take in there. The castle looks great and I've seen lots pf buildings use railway model printed paper/card for very realistic looking buildings in the larger scales.

  7. Paul Watson

  8. Thank you for taking the time to comment chaps it is much appreciated.
