Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Terrain and Troops

My Great War project revival continues, firstly I have finished off more figures I had partially started in the form of some Great War Miniatures British trench raiders and I think a Partizan free figure to commerate the 100th anniversary of ending of the war if I recall correctly.
Next up a 90° trench corner I picked up off Ironclad Miniatures at Hammerhead earlier in the month.Finally some shattered tree stumps purchased a while ago from Coriatani.
The Great War mode will continue on Tuesday when Dave pops over for our fortnightly game here at OHQ.
Until then..........


  1. Nice additions to the collection there Phil. Looking forward to blooding them next week, when I have swum home!

    1. Thank you DB, I have just completed a Lewis Gun team to add to mix.

  2. Something completely evocative for the black and white photos. . Nice brushwork as always.

  3. Very nice, did you prime the trench section black or dark brown? I was browsing the Ironclad website this morning and these do appeal.

    1. Thank you Norm. The trench was primed with Halfords grey primer and a light over spray of Halfords Matt black.

  4. More fab work Phil! I am in need of some earthworks and ditches in 25mm.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. Ironclad do splendid stuff though may work out quite expensive shipping wise for you.

  5. Well done Phil, terrain is also on the cards for me.

  6. Thank you George, terrain makes a nice change from painting figures, easier on the old eyes too.

  7. Splended work there once again Phil! The trench corner purchaced from Hammerhread, seems to have bulldozed its way to the top of the painting queue quite rapidly!
    Hope to see you tomorrow at WMMS...

  8. Thank you Paul, I have found that if I don't do things like this straight away they get forgotten 👴🏻 It will feature in Tuesday's game undoubtedly. See you tomorrow all being well.
