Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday, 17 March 2024

WMMS 2024 Part 1

Earlier today I accompanied Dave and his grandson William to the show. Dave has put up an admirable report up in his blog, Tales From GHQ
 which I can't really add to, pop over for read and more views of the splendid games on display.
Meanwhile here are photos of some of the games which caught my eye, failed to note down which club or group put them on for which I apologise.
Wellington in India, a game full of colour and panache.
Another colourful game, Italian Wars I think.
Blogger couldn't seem to cope with the amount of photos in my original post, to be continued........


  1. I somehow missed that Renaissance game you know. Am I going senile? Good pictures, look forward to seeing more!

  2. Hmm. Deja Vu but without the massively-sized photos and long load times. Great looking assortment of games.

    1. Yup don't know what was happening there, I deleted the post and heavily cropped the photos which I am splitting up into two (hopefully) or three posts.

  3. Replies
    1. The games were all rather splendid, superbly supported by several modelling clubs displaying their creations and reenactment groups. Excellent value for the entrance price.

  4. Hi Phil, I thought it was a great show and that the tables all had made a good effort, nice to see the modellers and living history groups in the mix.

    1. Thank you Norm. I have read your fine report on your visit and left an appreciative comment.

  5. That Wellington in India game is just full of inspiration,cracking looking game, mind you the Italian Wars one isn't half bad either, looking forward to the next post from the show.

  6. Lovely pictures Phil... nice to meet up again and chat.

    1. Thank you Paul. It was good to have a longer chat than we managed at Hammerhead.

  7. Thanks for the part one photos, as I was in Norfolk for the weekend, so no chance of attending the show!

  8. Some lovely looking games there, particularly like Wellington in India, that's an appealing subject to game, but I won't be tempted (ha)

    1. I could easily have took more photos of the Wellington game there was so much to enjoy.
