Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

All Quiet........

On The Western Front? Well yes it has been, when deciding what game to put on for the latest game here in OHQ I thought we haven't played a Great War game for a while. When I checked back that was putting it mildly, it was back in early January 2020! My where does the time go? 
We would be using Gajo Games Great War modifications to Bolt Action for the game, the usual annotated photo montage will hopefully guide you through the course of events. The figures are of course the excellent Great War Miniatures, the trenches are from Ironclad Miniatures.
The calm before the storm at Shrapnel Villa.
Raiders back from intelligence gathering.
The field of Mars.
The British advance behind a creeping barrage.
A German sniper lies in wait perhaps!
The Germans brace themselves for what is to come.
The British advance ever onward behind the barrage.
A German Anti-tank rifle team take aim.....and miss!
They quickly reload before the tank can retaliate courtesy of the Order Dice draw. The tank catches fire and abandoned, phew!
The Germans are caught in the barrage but get off lightly.
German minenwerfer, not actually on table but too nice a piece to be left in the box. Firing on a fixed point it was to have little effect on the British advance but gave it's own side a couple of scares😂
The British mortar fire is more deadly thanks to the brave efforts of Speckled Jim, the advancing infantry occupy the first German trench line.
It is at this point when I got wrapped up in the game play and failed to record the following turns on camera.
It was in these last three turns when the British mortar fire was redirected to the German second line trench and failed to inflict any damage! Anything But a One syndrome struck, or was it Speckled Jim who was struck down mid flight?
The Germans consolidate the second line in the last turn of the game, with the British holding the first line we elected for a winning draw for the British. Perhaps a follow on game to decide the outcome, but not with another gap of four years?
Until next time.....


  1. A splendid game, despite my grand plan going t*ts up when the tank was knocked out of the game. It's a joy to play with all your collections and always on super looking tables.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the game. A blow losing Bertie in turn two but you fought on with the old stiff upper nonetheless.

  2. What a brilliant looking game on all levels:)!

  3. A totally lovely table, great visuals for story telling, love the smashed trees. In terms of numbers, a very do-able project for anyone looking to doing something new / different.

    1. Thank you Norm much appreciated. Indeed but these things grow like tipsy of course🙂

  4. Amazing table, good atmosphere, great photos.

  5. Phil, you make war look beautiful.

    1. Thank you Jonathan, although it is only a game of toy soldiers I endeavour to get the look right.

  6. Oooo so lovely Phil, trench system is really epic and looks fantastic. You must have quite a big box of WW1 terrain stashed in the loft 👍

    1. Thank you Matt. I have more sections still to paint, I shall have to split them down into several boxes has they are getting a tad heavy to maneuver down the ladder.

  7. Fantastic spectacle - but poor Speckled Jim. Such a lovely, plump, speckly pigeon. Hand-reared you know.

    1. Thank you Matt. The Flanders Pigeon Murderer as a lot to answer for 🙂

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you George. It is always a pleasure to inspire fellow gamers.

  9. Great looking game and vitually a stalemate ending seems appropriate to the era. I'm particularly struck by those German helmets - they look tricky to paint.

    1. Thank you Stephen. With the helmets I just painted the black dividing lines and filled in the gaps tidying up where necessary.

  10. Cracking stuff Phil…
    All the best. Aly
