Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Tank Riders

While painting up some Soviet infantry in less wintery attire I dug these out of the stash. I couldn't even hazard a guess as to how long I have had them. A mix of FAA and AB Figures stuck to clear plastic so I can anchor them to the vehicles by sliding it under the turret.
Not much else to report on really, I am well on with a second French battalion for the Peninsular project and I have three Lend Lease Shermans for the Soviet forces awaiting weathering which I hope to work in during December. No game this week but we should get a game in at OHQ before Christmas "stuff and health" permitting.

That's all for now, TTFN & KBO


  1. Very nice work - I have the AB tank riders set myself.

  2. Nicely done. Clever the use of mounting sabot. I should drag out my 20mm russkies to do some refurbishment.

  3. Well first of all lovely, AB are superb - but my take away from this is the superb idea of mounting on clear plastic. I was stuck with the mindset of glued on figures!

    1. Thank you Norm, they do look better glued in situ but more practical this way.

  4. Grand brushwork and clever mounting idea.

    1. Thank you, will they be Dave proof I wonder 🙂

    2. I shall be circumspect in my handling of the little chaps and their tanks!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Matt. How are your ACWs coming along?

  6. Nicely done Phil simple but effective, looking forward to seeing those French muster out.

    1. Thank you Matt, the last six are under the brush now.

  7. Very fine work Phil... more additions to a fine collection!
