Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 13 November 2023


I wasn't planning on starting the Peninsular project until early in the New Year but inspired by our recent games using Soldiers of Napoleon rules and the fact that Dave can muster up enough British for the theater I decided to set to.
To speed the project up I have abandoned the plan to highlight the contrast painted parts up except in certain places, whilst they won't win any prizes I did complete twelve figures over about two and a half days.
I have also decided on eighteen figure units instead of twenty four this will better suit my six by four foot table better, as well as adding to speeding up the painting process.
In SofN you can remove bases to rally off disruption, I have done only three bases of six figures where units in SoN can be up to six.
To facilitate this I will do markers to denote bases less than six, if we play with Black Powder where bases are not removed they can be used to denote casualties instead.
We shall be returning to World War Two for tomorrow's game so stand by for an AAR in due course.


  1. Phil, your ‘speed’ painting is gorgeous.

  2. Pretty much what Jon has already said!

  3. They are of course gorgeous and I have taken a couple of screen shots as record shots for my own painting (though my current batch are sensibly wearing greatcoats :-) ).

    Good to see that you are so taken with SoN that you are basing towards them.

    For my project, I am basing on 80mm frontages with 2 bases per unit and two ranks of 5 on each base (20 man unit).

    Two questions - How does SoN show units in square / column with variable base numbers and your choice of 3?

    Also, for your contrast, did you prime white?

  4. Thank you Norm. From SoN "If it has five stands put the command in the centre with the others round it. With 4 stands it must be one of the exterior stands" With my three the command stand will face one way towards the enemy and the other two behind facing each side. I used GW Wraith Bone though white does just as well I find, even grey though it does benefit from an highlight of two.

    1. Missed the column bit, five bases the odd one is put at the back.

  5. The Contrast paints work well there Phil, nice job.

  6. Very nice indeed Phil…
    Highlighting only where it is needed… The lighter colours… works really well with Contrast…
    It’s really is a case of letting the paint do all the work…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. I have to show great restraint not to get highlighting.

  7. Excellent results there Phil for just two and a half days work! I can't get anyware near that sort of speed! Lovely looking figures... well done!
