Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 31 January 2022

Paraguayan Parade

 First up the Brazilian casualty vignette, I originally bought this Foundry piece to convert to a Spanish Civil vignette based on one that Aly had done a long long time ago, can you remember when Aly?

This was a lot easier, just a slight modification to the one chaps trousers and a paint job.

Next up the latest Paraguayan to come off the paint desk

Followed by the ones I did earlier

Next up the allies, the Brazilians followed by the Argentine and Uraquayans

The Allies to date, on the paint desk at the moment is a Brazilian mountain howitzer and crew

All being well it will be off to GHQ for an American War of Independence bash.


Thursday, 27 January 2022

Iron Cross Solo

 I was unable to go over to GHQ for our weekly game this week due to a family illness rather than miss a game, although I did have a game via Zoom put on by Matt (Wargames in the Dungeon) on Sunday, I decided to play a solo WWII game.

Dave has a copy of Great Escape Games "Seven Days to the Rhine" which we may use when Dave has his cold war gone hot project up and running, as they are based off the same companies Iron Cross set I dug my copy out to use for a WWII game to get reacquainted with the rules mechanisms.

I had recently been watching Keith Williamsons Iron Cross videos on YouTube (Creaky Gamers Historical) he had a solo game using an AI chart he devised which I used to determine the actions of the German force. If you want to know more about how the rules work check out Keith's channel, he also puts on a very nice table. 

The Germans would be attacking, well sort of the attack really never got going, some accurate and punishing firing from the British stopping it in its tracks and with it eventually routing three of the German squads with no loss to themselves, I decided that the Germans would call off the attack.

Some game shots follow

The British are denoted by the yellow tokens, the Germans the red tokens.

The Germans advance through the cover of the woods

The British lie in wait

The Stug awaits the advance of the supporting infantry

However they appear to be going in the wrong direction!

I have finished the Triple Alliance casualty vignette so I will endeavour to take some photos of the collection so far over the weekend for a grand parade next week.


Monday, 24 January 2022

More Allied and German Additions

 First up a German Forward Observer/Scout team using a figure off the Warlord Games winter German sprue that came free with Wargames Illustrated a few months ago and the last of the Warlord Games Stug riders I have that they had made to fit the size of their foot figures rather than to fit their vehicles.

Next a Rubicon Models late production Panther Ausf G with an Empress Miniatures commander.

Lastly I ordered up another pack of Empress Miniatures late war British with rifles when I ordered the additional Germans last month. I removed the entrenching tool from one of the figures and added one to another for a bit of variety.

I have also finished the fourth Paraguayan battalion for the Triple Alliance project, I am currently finishing off a little Brazilian casualty vignette. I will put up pics of both when they are complete and perhaps a parade of what I have completed so far for the project.


Thursday, 13 January 2022

Allied Additions

 Well in the first instance perhaps Allied minus is more appropriate? A knocked out Sherman from Anyscale Models.

Below some Empress Miniatures volksgrenadiers pass by.

Next up a Rubicon Models M5 Stuart with an Empress Miniatures crewman.

The Germans are not being neglected at the weathering stage is a Rubicon Models Panther AusfG

Be sure to visit Dave's "Tales From GHQ" blog to read of my latest inglorious defeat, hope to fair better in next weeks visit to Zululand.


Saturday, 8 January 2022

More German Additions.

 In glorious 28mm this time, having bought the winter mat,  shortly before Christmas I ordered more Volksgrenadiers armed with rifles from Empress Miniatures. Main reason being I needed more figures with rifles and I also wanted to add some figures with a bit of white camouflage to the collection. 

These arrived on Christmas Eve, well done Empress and the Post Office I immediately set to and got them primed and based ready to paint over the Christmas break. I also ordered some more British figures which I shall get painted after I have finished the last six figures for the fourth Paraguayan batallion for my Triple Alliance project.

The figures at the front of the photo below have had their heads swapped for a bit of variety and the one at the rear has a Panzerfaust from the Warlord grenadier sprue added.

All being well I will off over to GHQ on Tuesday for some ACW action.