Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Mount Badon - The Assault

First off a note on using the activation system from To the Strongest, each commander would roll a D6 the result would be the number of activation chits he could use to activate the units in his command. For example, Horsa rolls a 6, he has three war bands under his command he could try and activate one war band six times or the three war band two times each, you get the picture.
Also in addition to other things he could do if attached to a unit, see AMW additions opposite, he could draw another activation chit if one failed to get the requisite score, this would also count towards his available activations. Also if a unit is more than twelve inches away from its commander the activation number required is one higher than required.

Turn One
A slow start for the Saxons - Activations from right to left 6,1 and 1, but the British levy unit on the left takes three casualties from the Saxon archers whilst the warbands advance slowly.
The lone British commander gets 2 activations, getting the archers to fire.

Turn Two
Saxon activations 2, 1 and 5. The British levy unit on the left take more casualties from archery losing a base. Penda Fudd holds his bodyguard in position to await the advance of the warbands on his right, meanwhile the headstrong Hengist on his left leads his warband in a charge against the British archers who against all odds hold them back but at a cost of two bases.

Turn Three
Things are going well for the Saxons, however their warbands are quite strung out and Arthur and reinforcements could arrive anytime.

Turn Four
The Saxons progress is blunted by poor rolls for activation, 2,1 and 1, they really did need the gods to look down kindly this turn.
Time for the Britons to reply and reply they do, Arthur arrives. This puts new life in the troops on the hill bravely holding off the attack by Penda Fudd and his seasoned bodyguard. Obviously tired by the march Arthurs force does little, a low activations roll.

Turn Five
Hengist gets a good activation, despite a tempting flank on the right he as to mind the approaching Britons from Arthurs force on his left so elects to face them, obviously tired from the fighting since turn two his men refuse the charge them.
Meanwhile the fight between Penda and his bodyguard and the Britons with Baldinus fighting among them continues, on the right Horsa's archers fire and wipe out the remaining levy unit while his warband continues its fight against the Roman remnant unit also seeing them off too.
Things are looking bleak for the Britons on the hill, Arthurs men are really tired and still advance slowly this turn, no doubt catching their breath for things to come. However Arthurs knights are in better shape their mounts are suitably recovered and he charges headlong into the flank of Penda and his bodyguard, but they are made of stern stuff and weather the assault (Arthurs men score 4 hits out of a whopping 12 dice, Arthur uses his re-roll with the 8 misses and they all fail to score a hit too! the horses maybe recovered from the march but not the men it seems)

Turn Six
Penda Fudd is slain, the resulting morale checks sees two warbands fleeing the field, in terms of units though things are pretty even at the end of the turn. In AMW the battle is lost when one side is reduced to 25% with the sides fairly equal in numbers I could have continued but deemed that the loss of Penda would see the Saxons withdraw from the field.

An enjoyable few hours, I thought that the activation additions helped when playing solo it gave a lot more uncertainty to proceedings, next time I will try using To the Strongest in its entirety and see how it goes.

Until next time keep safe and KBO


  1. Slain? Again? Something not quite pukka there? A fine account and a visual treat.

    1. Slain with two different rule sets, it's not just the dice gods that hate you😉

  2. What a lovely sized game, your figures and basing are lovely. I like the flexibility that comes from the activation system ..... if only those dice would behave :-)

    1. Thank you Norm, I am finding that a 4x4 is ample for these solo efforts.

  3. That's a great looking game Phil.

  4. Thank you Ray, it was most enjoyable, not as good as having a real opponent of course.

  5. Impressive Battle! Excellent painting of armies 8о

  6. Very nice. A lot of these activation systems lend themselves well to solo. Look forward to the next one.

    1. Thank you George, I may try the same scenario using To the Strongest but with the Goths and Romans.

  7. A lovely looking and sounding game Phil...
    This is a period that my butterfly often flutters near... and your not helping.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, don't panic it will be Goths and Romans up next🙂

  8. Lovely looking game! Great looking figures and a nice result, at least you win when you lose playing solo!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. Indeed I can't loses, but then dispatching Penda Fudd doesn't count either.

  9. Lovely looking game with beautifully painted figures!


    1. Thank you very much Christopher, more soon I hope.

  10. A good looking game Phil and sounds like it was enjoyable even if solo

    1. Thank you Matt, yup most enjoyable, not the same without the cross table banter though.
