Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Locked(down) And Loaded

First solo game of the lock down using Bolt Action with cards drawn for the other side, the ones available to download I thought a bit limiting so I added options on some of the cards, if the command unit was within six inches of the activated unit I would also allow them a re-draw.
I used all of the British figures I have, using a couple of stand ins I could field a full platoon and a sniper with a Cromwell in support.
The Germans also had a platoon with a MMG in support.
The objective for the Brits was to get a unit off the table on the road between the barn and house, both sides would roll a D3 to determine how many units would begin on table in the first turn, both sides rolled for two. The remaining units would dice to enter on turn two.

The Playing Field

The Cromwell With Supporting Infantry Begins Its Advance. The Sniper Fires At The German Squad in The Building

While The Squad In The Building Draw The British Fire Squads One And Two Advance On Either Flank

A British Section Heads To Their Left Flank

But That's A Lot Of Open Ground To Cover

To Platoon Commander Diverts Them Through The Wheat Field, A Slower But Safer Option

The German Number Two Squad Continues Its Advance, The Chaps In The Building Are Taking A Pounding But Holding Firm Under Fire From The Sniper, Cromwell And A British Section 

Meanwhile The Third Squad And The MMG Decide To Take The Fight To The Tommies,. Its As Well These German NCO's Know Their Business, The CO Did Not Appear Till Turn Four

Meanwhile The British Section Slogs Through The Crops, The Race For The Hedgerow Is On

The Germans Get There First

The Remaining Man Of The Panzerschrek Team Emerges From The British Smoke Screen

His First Shot Misses, It Is Now Turn Five And The British Realise They Are No Where Near Achieving Their Objective. Desperate Measures Are Now Needed, The Cromwell Surges Forward In Attempt To Sweep The Panzershreck Away. But It Gets A Shot In First And Imobilises It!

Even With A Seventh Turn The British Will Be Unlikely To Achieve Their Objective

So a German win, I really took my eye off the ball concentrating too much on the chaps in the building and fretting about the German anti-tank capability, I needed to be much more bolder and forgot about the number of moves that had elapsed until it was too late.
I will fight the same scenario next time using Chain Of Command, I will scout out some solo play ideas but I don't really feel it needs them with the dice activation method.

Till then keep safe and KBO.



  1. Where did all those figures and vehicles spring from? I'd no idea you had done so much. Still can't do solo gaming, but I can sit and look at what's out on GHQ table...

  2. Lovely set-up and your new truck looks really good in situ.

    1. Thank you Norm, yes it is a great piece at a reasonable price too.

  3. Lovely table set up as always! Sounds like fun and would be interested to see how chain of command works out!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I will be certain to post it up.

  4. Mr Panzerschrek isn't Corporal Schwarzenegger is he by chance? I've seen his son do that pose in a movie or two!

    1. Definitely an Iron Cross candidate either way, weathered the loss of his #2, machine gun and HE fire to cripple the Cromwell.

  5. Well done Phil a good loooking game...painting Ninja indeed. For my solo/remote acw game I am using a remote general for the broad strategy and then I find bolt action plays itself to some extent, I then go back if there is an obvious key decision to make. Feel free to let me know if something similar would work for you ?

    1. Thank you Matt. I have played BA solo several times and not used cards and thought it worked well, thought I would try these cards out. If I play again I think I would retain the cards to see what unit activated but do away with the order cards, which I found did not reflect the situation presented at a particular time and was too restrictive.

  6. Thanks for this Phil, I may be giving it a shot this weekend, I am thinking of using one of the CoC campaigns so that the objective for both sides is clear, either that or a scenario from a BA book, but BA rules. It will be interesting how you get on with CoC Solo.

  7. Glad to be of service George. Look forward to seeing how you get on, I may play again over the weekend as my wife is working from home and using the dining table during the week day.

  8. Looks fab!
    Solo CoC seems to work quite well.

    1. Thank you Matt. Just remembered I played a solo game of CoC Espana last July, I shall have to look it up and see how it went.

  9. A fine looking game! I'm currently thinking about solo-ing CoC, so any input would be appreciated.

    1. Thank you Nick. I usually play with no modifications, Sally 4th have a free download for Combat Patrol which looks useable for CoC with just a little work.
