Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 6 April 2020

Locked(down) And Unloaded II

This time around for the scenario the rules will be Chain of Command, the scenario objective will remain the same however the British can win by exiting one unit anywhere along the German base line. I did consider doing some cards similar to the ones used in the Bolt Action run through but decided against it, I felt that the activation dice should suffice in getting the random effect without further complication. Also I think I did mention changing the options on the card last time when the action card drawn options did not seem sensible in the given circumstance.
This time I decided that the British would be more bold, this was helped by them getting four free moves with the patrol markers, but of course no plan survives contact with the dice.
The British make a bold dash for the opposite hedgerow before the Germans can deploy, but it appeared that the open ground was not so open after all a poor dice roll left them high and dry in the middle.
The Germans in their phase quickly deployed in the yard of the house the Gerfreiter directing the fire of the MG42 through the gap right into the advancing British, result two dead and the Corporal ko'd, with no NCO the section took more fire the Corporal being wounded also from this. The British had to deploy their Sergeant to get the section back over the hedge, the photo is for effect, they did take the wounded and unconscious Corporal with them.
Over on the other flank the British did not mess about this time and sent a section through the cornfield making good use of its cover to weather the fire of the tripod mounted MG42 the Germans deployed behind the stone wall opposite the barn.
No.3 section deploy just behind on their flank, covering them where they awaited the deployment of the platoon 2" mortar who would put down smoke to cover their advance across the open space in front.
The mortar is deployed, over to the right the Cromwell moves up in support of number one section who are still trading shots with the Germans opposite the house, the Sergeant keeping the section rallied until the Corporal came round.
Meanwhile the Germans had deployed a squad to support the MG42 next to the barn, that smoke would really be required now, luckily the team were tip top every round being on target. This enabled number three section to reach the opposite hedge untouched and denying the Germans the jump off point there.

Number three section had the try line in sight one more push and the day could be won.
The following phase saw them just short of the table edge, the Germans made a last gasp close assault but were driven back in fine style.
So a win for the British this time, the use of nearly text book fire and movement with the aid of the 2" mortar that could do no wrong sealing the Germans fate.

I thought the game played well without the use of cards to determine what the Germans could do I found that the activation dice covered that well and that I could use them in an unbiased way, although from the above it appeared an easy victory it wasn't and but for the accurate mortar fire it could have been a different story indeed.
Next time I shall be using Battlegroup rules, not a direct comparison because as the name of the rules implies you are the battlegroup not the platoon commander, we will see how it goes.

Until then keep your distance, keep safe and KBO.


  1. Good looking game. I agree the order dice make enough randomness for a believable game.

    1. Thank you Sir, love the decision making with the dice roll activation it really helps the narrative which is much needed part of the game if the playing solo.

  2. Nice looking game Phil......I really do need to try CoC but like many I am a creature of habit 👍

    1. Thank you Matt. You should give them a run out. they are best learned solo I thought and a change is as good as a rest they say after all.

  3. Seriously impressed by your collection. As to CoC, like all the Lard rubbish, you can keep it, I'll stick with Bolt Action here. That's if we are ever allowed to game again...😷

    1. We'll Meet Again, Don't Know Where, Don't Know When.........🎼

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Roger, the layout of a game is a real joy of the hobby.

  5. Excellent report Phil, helped along with great looking terrain and painted figures (Empress miniatures I believe?).
    As you say, CoC lends itself to solo play.

    1. Thank you Pat, they are indeed all Empress figures and really have the end is near let's get it done look.

  6. Great game Phil, I will be on to Bolt Action soon, table all ready to go.

    1. Thank you George, looking forward to seeing how you get on. Are you using the cards of the Solo FB group?

  7. Very fine looking game again! Will have to try solo-CoC soon it seems.

    1. Thank you Nick. CoC lends itself to solo games quite well.

  8. A great looking game and a sensible, historical result this time!

    What's not to love?

    1. Thank Matt, boldness and true Brit won out in the end.🙂

  9. Lovely looking game, hurrah for the 2" mortar!
    Best Iain
