Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 4 February 2019

Narwa February 1944

Dave came over for our weekly game to command the Soviet forces in a game using Battlegroup rules, the scenario however was based on one in the third Rapid Fire supplement "Scenarios for the Russian Front 1941-45".
The Soviets task was to defeat the German force and block the Narwa rollbahn, just off table, in nine turns.
The Germans were let off for three turns with the Soviet radio net found wanting, however in the meantime some deadly small arms fire caused the Germans to take some early morale hits. When those rockets from Katy finally arrived, ouch!
The Battle Rating counters I drew tended to be a tad on the high side, by turn seven it was all over with the Germans exceeding their total of 25. The Soviets had taken 15 against their total of 25.

The Recently Painted Stug Lies In Ambush
The Soviet Steamroller Builds Up Speed
The Germans Unleash The Cats
Damaged Beyond Repair Cat 111 Is Abandoned!

With All The German Infantry Wiped Out Or Pinned The Soviet Infantry Move In For The Kill

Yes New Toy Syndrome Strikes Again, It Did Last Till Turn Seven Though
Next time here in OHQ we will be giving the Osprey rules "Rebels and Patriots" a try out in the Iberian peninsula.



  1. A lovely looking game and really enjoy the bailed crew!


    1. Thank you Christopher, things like the bailed crew make the table come alive, so much better than a token, and more affordable in 20mm :~)

  2. A splendid day! Marvellous game! All enhanced by the result!

  3. Doomed I told you .... doomed!

    A great looking game Phil...
    Glad to see you are back to form... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. Let's just hope it is but a blip :~)

  4. Nice report, I do like the tank crew, nice touch.

  5. Nice write up, good to see your back to er, shall we say your customary gaming position?
    Best Iain

  6. Thank you Iain, yes I knew it would not last, but you never know it could be just new toy syndrome. It doesn't explain the crew of 111 bugging out after two glancing hits though :~(

  7. Great looking little game Phil, very interested to see how Patriots works as I was looking to get a copy.🙂

  8. Thanks Matt. Got them primarily to try with Dave's FIW stuff, Muskets & Tomahawks levees us befuddled, Sharp Practi e while enjoyable as a little to much faff for a game we play only sparingly. Same engine as others in the series so should do for us, hopefully.
