Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

First Carlist War With Black Powder, Well....

Sort of. You may recall that we intended to use the new "Rebels And Patriot" rules ahead of our FIW games for this game, however as we intend to use them just for those games it didn't seem worthwhile working out stats for the FCW, so I decided to use the usual Black Powder rules. However when I came to set up the table Sunday night I had a problem with the dining table extension pins, so it was back to Plan A, a small game on a 4' x 4'. I had the mad idea to still use Black Powder but with Bolt Action dice to activate the units, the scenario I originally planned for R&P saw the Carlists defending a hill top awaiting reinforcements with the Isabelino forces attempting to oust them before they could be reinforced. A black order dice would be added to bag, once drawn the turn would end and the reinforcements diced for, 6 in turn then 5 or 6 turn two and so on. If they appeared a D3 would be rolled to determine how many battalions appeared, reducing to a D2 in the next instances if they did not all come on first off. Mad? well it certainly changed the game dynamic and lead to a spiffing game with the advantage passing to both sides, if we had been using the rules as is I would have been beaten in turn three I thought.
Needless to say such was the intensity of the game I did not get to take many photos, here they are

A few notes on how we used the Bolt Action dice and commanders
Advance - Move one move and fire.
Run         - Move two moves no firing
Fire         - Fire
Rally       - Rally* Commanders only (See commander notes)
Ambush  - Reserve Fire for later in the turn
Down      - Lie down and benefit from being in cover
Each commander would also get a dice, when activated they could draw another and activate a unit, if they wished to rally he would have to join them and rally them as per the rules using his leadership, he could also join a unit and issue a follow me order again by passing his leadership, they could then move three times.
We did not allow initiative moves, although we may consider this if we play again. I think that covers all we did, Dave will no doubt correct if I have erred.
Who won you may well ask, well lets just say the Carlists, yours truly, snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Over at GHQ next week for an Italian Wars game ahead of the WI photo shoot.

PS. We really like the new rules for rockets, last week in the Zulu War game at GHQ, one exploded on leaving the tube in this game it did a U-turn and soared off table behind the battery.



  1. I think you have covered all the additions. You might though have given more column inches to who won...😉

  2. Looks great, splendid terrain!

  3. Very clever Phil and as always your figures never fail to impress! Well done!


    1. Thank you Christopher. I was pleased how the game turned out for a last minute change.

  4. Don’t know anything about it but it does look good.

    1. Thank you George. You know that's just what Dave says, and he still manages to win the majority of FCW encounters.

  5. A very pretty game...
    Whoever won.... ;-)

    All the best. Aly

  6. Lovely looking game and surely it's the taking part that matters!
    Best Iain

  7. Great looking game and I like the idea of using the Bolt Action dice. I wondered how you decided to base your Carlist units. Some are in skirmish and some are close order bases. I am trying to figure out the same thing myself.
