Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Achtung Minen

Despite gaming World War Two since 1994, I had yet to make a marked minefield. With an upcoming scenario planned which requires one I decided to set to, I collected two bespoke bases from Warbases at R.O.B.I.N. I decided the first would be in a cultivated piece of land, the next will be just general open ground, so that they can be both be used for general scatter terrain also, I will not add wire or signs, these will be based separately, as you can see below .
First I primed the base and glued down some corrugated card to form the cultivated bit, once dry this was covered in fine railway ballast. The outside perimeter was covered with Jarvis desert sand and stone mixture with the partly built wall made from stones from them also.

I cannot remember who makes the picket posts, I always get a pack when I see them at Warfare, tufts are Gamers Grass and the flowers from Debris Of War.

Head over to Tales From GHQ to see how I got on in the Transvaal on Monday, next up here is a First Carlist War game.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Dave, wonderful eh, how did you know you would be getting them?

  2. Very nice - your terrain pieces really do add to your games.

  3. Replies
    1. Ps saw your Russians in the latest WI very nice 🙂

    2. Thanks Matt, hope the pics in WI inspire you to crack on with the Whites.

  4. Very nice Phil, inspiration there methinks.

  5. Great looking minefield! Lovely work!
    Best Iain

  6. Well that really turned out a treat! Well done Phil! I made one, but seeing yours I'll need to re-do mine.

