Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Saturday, 9 March 2019

How Does Your Garden Grow

I don't normally post work in progress pics but I thought I would with this piece before it gets too busy, I will be collecting a store and shed off Charlie Foxtrot Models at WMMS tomorrow and will add one or both to the pieces to it after completing the compost heap. You may spot in the background the start of my vines for vineyards, I have done these in 75mm strips for versatility, this may spoil the look a little but I can live with that.
Greenhouse and cold frame are from Warbases, the cobbles are Wills.

On the non terrain front I have completed a base of Italian Wars mounted crossbowmen ahrad of the WI photo shoot over at GHQ, check the link on the side bar for more pics taken by Dave during the session.
This brings my total of bases up to ten now.

Here at OHQ on Monday we will be returning to the Eastern Front for a game of Bolt Action.



  1. Great work, I really like how your greenhouse came out.

  2. Going along nicely there Percy! Looking forward to several yards of vines!

  3. Looking good Phil...
    All you need now is an angry gardener defending his leaks...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. I shall look out for said gardener.

  4. It's looking good so far Phil and the unit looks great!


  5. I have the same Warbases buildings and they‘re luvly. Must get my finger out and finally paint them.

    1. Sorry, totally forgot: The mounted crossbow men are great!

    2. Look forward to seeing them.
