Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Friday, 9 February 2024

Byzantines Are Back!

On the painting desk, another infantry unit this time. To make it easier to paint I put a rank at a time down on the base.
The first as been painted and glued to the base followed by my standard basing material, Javis desert stone mix, this is then painted with Decoart Country Maple and washed with a diluted mix of Burnt Umber and Burnt Sienna oil paint. Once dry I dry brush it with Vallejo Model Colour Iraqi Sand before adding Gamers Grass Tufts.
The second rank is then painted and added to the base making sure I can fit the third tank behind them, then the basing material added and finished as above.
I then paint the third tank.
These are then added and the rest of the base is textured and painted as before to complete the unit.
It will be a while before I have enough painted for a Hail Caeser game, however I do now have the required eight units for a game using the Neil Thomas rules. I have therefore scheduled a game here at OHQ on 20th of this month.
Until next time .........


  1. Those are lovely. The detail on basing will interest folk I'm confident. But, I can't see this third tank you keep mentioning. Freudian slip?

    1. Thank you Mr. B. My subconscious must be telling me to get on and paint more tanks😁

  2. Lovely work Phil such a colourful period/unit. Interested by your basing approach I’m sure we all have our own way of doing things. Personally I need to get the whole unit painted then they go on the bases as a unit.

    1. Thank you Matt. I couldn't face doing the bases of a multi based unit in one hit I base up as I go along on those too.

  3. Superb work and interesting to see your approach to painting and basing a unit.

    1. Thank you Steve. I thought it would be interesting to show my approach as we all tackle our own different ways.

  4. Great looking figures. Very disciplined approach. I fear I would have partially done bases of several units.

    1. Thank you Joe. I fear I am not really that disciplined πŸ™‚

  5. Excellent results as expected, Phil! Interesting to see a peek behind the screen to highlight your painting and basing method.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. I hoped the basing technique I employed was of interest.

  6. Top job Phil, that must feel like a meaty base. Very much look forward to you next game with them. Now this will be complete heresy to some ears but, …. I would be okay with painting and basing several units with just the front rank and gaming with them with the other ranks get painted and added (runs and hides :-) )

  7. Thank you Norm it certainly weighs in a tad. I see pitchforks and hear cries of burn the monsters πŸ˜‚ Seriously to get a feel of a particular set of rules and inspiration to paint the rest I see no problem. We once played a game with just the bases and a description written on to try out Basic Impetus.

  8. Beautiful Phil, look forward to seeing them in action.

    1. Thank you George. Dave and I are looking forward to the game too.

  9. A lovely looking unit Phil…
    Very neat basing as well…

    All the best. Aly
