Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Narwa Reloaded

 A couple of firsts, having played this scenario from the second Rapid Fire supplement, this will be the first time playing it with Rapid Fire Reloaded and the first time on a snowy terrain.

To win the game the Russians must get one tank and a company of eight infantry on the rollbahn at the opposite end of the table, we have found in previous games that this is a tall order even on a 6x4 table. In the snow it is nigh on impossible unless the infantry can ride on the tanks, this isn't mentioned in the historical write up or the scenario description, even so the chances of getting a full company that far is also debateable. None the less we pressed on, as the aim was to give Rapid Fire Reloaded a run out with it.

A photo an annotated montage of the game follows if Blogger stops arsing about again.

The Russian objective by turn ten the T-junction at the far end of the table, a junction to far?

The German infantry in reinforced ruins await the Red onslaught.

German 105 battery, actually off table on our 6x4, we will see later that the battery was to give great execution.

In reply the Russians have a Katyushka battery, also off table. We found that it was next to useless using RFR until its final shots.

Two T34s fall victim to the 105 fire, four consecutive rolls of six!

The German tiger takes out a third in short order.

The Russian infantry struggle forward through the snow.

The Tiger fell victim to a concerted attack from two T34s and the KV1

By turn nine the German infantry were all but destroyed, but with reinforcements and a further Tiger now on the table all was not lost but there was no way the Russians could get a tank and an infantry company in place by turn ten to win the game.

A win for the Germans in game terms but a moral victory for the Russians we felt.

I will work out  representative forces using Battlegroup rules and play out the scenario again in April to see how it pans out.


PS. I gave up trying to use the caption function, a complete waste of time, its has never worked consistently since it was changed.



  1. Splendid game Phil and tough for the Russians, with such accurate German fire, indeed a crossroads too far !

    1. Thank you Matt, certainly more accurate than rockets but then when you read how many were fired from Typhoons to knock out one tank it's not surprising.

  2. As you say, not a game of 10 Turns that the Reds can win really, but we gave it a good shot. I still prefer the old Rapid Fire! over the new lite version. A tip for blogger: don't use captions box, just type in the line available between photos. I do this on my blog. It's also quicker by the way.

    1. Yes I don't think one can beat the old suffocating sheet. That's what I did for the captions, it's really weird because a lot of the time it works fine🤔

  3. Thanks Phil, some very nicely positioned photographs there. RFR does seem to be a bit luck based, so perhaps on another day!

    Would like to see a compare under Battlegroup rules.

    1. Thank you Norm. Yes I don't really like the all or nothing hit approach, must prefer Battlegroup where you can at least pin down the enemy. Which is what artillery is really meant for.

  4. Fine looking game and action, Phil. I have not had issues with captions so have no idea what challenges you face.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. Re. Captions see above, most puzzling.

  5. Good report Phil and some nice troops.

  6. A great looking game Phil…
    The terrain mat works really well… the weather looked miserable.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. I am really pleased with the winter mat, has you can probably tell by the times it has been out😁

  7. Another nice looking game Phil. Might try this myself.

    1. Thank you Jon. One of my favourite scenarios from the Blue Book.

  8. A mighty fine looking game Phil! I haven't had problems with captions.....yet that is.


    1. Thank you Christopher. Thinking about it the last time I had the same problems it was around the same time of day. Perhaps it's Bloggers fiddle time🤔

  9. That’s a mighty fine looking game Phil! Very nice terrain as well. Do you maybe remember where you've got that lovely Russian thatched hut from? It's surprisingly hard to find suitable Eastern Front buildings in 20mm…

    1. Thank you Nick. It was from Britannia/Queens Hussar but is now available from Lancer Miniatures.

  10. We have played this scenario using SH, BKC, BFWWII, RF2 and RFR. Always fun! I am a huge proponent for RFR especially now with the promise of more rules for planes etc coming out soon. RFR is so much faster and intuitive to process. You might have noticed all the different rules I mentioned. I simply could not get my fellows to play WWII until RF and RFR has pushed it into far more prominence. The old combat table in RF2 was a killer. Still more of a game than simulation but if played in the right spirit RFx can support WWII operations of any kind like no other rule system. Thanks for the great report and lovely pictures.

    1. Thank you Chris, I doubt even with my interest in WW2 without the original RF I doubt I would be playing WW2. I have to agree that RFR is a boon, those old tables were getting a strain on the old eyes. I still prefer the old grid fir indirect fire though and shall revert to using it when I play again.
