Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Monday, 5 July 2021

Bikkelheim Kirche

 I have been trawling EBay off and on recently for a suitable church for my fictional town of Bikkelheim, at last one appeared that was just the style I have been on the look out for. It was not in the best state of repair but at £9 inclusive of postage at the asking price with one bid I would have been a fool not to go for it and I am pleased to say I got it.

It came while I was away in Devon so on my return I duly set too and deconstructed it, making good missing or damaged parts and glazing the stainless glass inserts, laminating. I could not understand why one of the clock faces was showing a different time, on inspection it transpired that the twelve was glued on at the three position! It looked a little too toytown for my liking anyway so I ripped them off and added new ones printed off via the web, I also downloaded a couple of murals for the outside wall.

Here it is below with the other completed buildings to date together with the last two transports Dave kindly gave me, finally repainted.

Before we went away Dave asked if I could make some marsh/swamp/boggy ground pieces to drop on the table, while I was on I made a couple for myself.

While I was having a coffee break the weekend I thought I would tot up what I done hobby wise for the first six months and was surprised how much I had completed, not much in the scheme of things but I was convinced I had not done even that much.

137 figures, 5 buildings, 3 guns, 7 vehicles and 1 plane together with repaints on the three transports off Dave and a couple of my own tanks.

Yesterday I played an AWI game via Zoom hosted by Matt using Rebels and Patriots and today over at GHQ an ECW game using Dave's own rules, A Crowning Mercy. I am of course far to modest to say how I faired in both games. Do look out for reports from my genial hosts at Tales from GHQ and Wargames in the Dungeon in due course, links will appear in the sidebar when posted.

That's all for now folks, off to finish the delightful British and German mortar teams recently released by Empress Miniatures



  1. A splendid ecclesiastical edifice there! Also that's a more than decent painting score in the circumstances. How many commission pieces did you paint alongside your own?

    1. Thank you kindly. Has you mentioned I forgot to note our web search of Lutheran churches to garner the tower colour scheme. Not many commission figures really, a little down to supply mostly and demand, 128 of those.

  2. Dandy church, Phil! I look forward to reading about your exploits on the gaming table.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. I don't know who will be more surprised at the result.

  3. The church is obviously from The Restoration period.

    Very nice (and apologies for that sad excuse for a joke!).

  4. Very nice buildings Phil 👍

  5. Lovely looking church you scored there. Will look forward in seeing this piece in future games. Cheers, Helen

    1. Thank you Helen. Hope to get it on the table soon.

  6. This church is superb, well done!

  7. Great find and smartly turned around.
    Good progress this year

    1. Thank you Paul. Not bad progress but a little down on this time last year.

  8. The church has come out rather well Phil. As for your other efforts, well that's a heck of a lot more than I've managed. But then again I have been busy ;D

    1. Thank you Jon. Busy, busy, busy if Mr. B's comments are anything to go by ;~)

  9. Very nice indeed Phil…

    It’s a good job you bought it… or I could have been acquired for redevelopment into a hipster bar and bijou restaurant…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, yes indeed it could easily have gone the way of the many churches in Norwich.

  10. Very nice work on that church, ditto the other buildings too:)

  11. Lovely looking church,I had to double take as my version off ebay is currently all white with the clock faces removed, ( I want it a bit earlier than yours) All the buildings together look splendid!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, hope it has prompted you to crack on with yours in due course.

  12. There must be a trick to Ebay, I never get anywhere, lovely piece and nice work.

  13. Thank you George, it's just a like a chance test finding what you want at the price you want to pay. I am lucky with the buildings as I tat with them anyway I can go for the ones that are not in great condition, the competition to win them is not so great either.
