Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Ponyri 1943

So today I managed to fit a game, I mentioned in the previous post that I would be using Rapid Fire rules with a modified version of the scenario in the third supplement of Eastern Front scenarios.
I played the game on a 5 x 4 table lengthways.
I will run through the game using captioned pictures that will hopefully give you an idea of how it went.
The set up.

A company armed with SMGs is tasked with holding the station

While the hills are occupied by the rest of the battalions
The German attack on the left gets under way and almost immediately come under artillery fire, but luckily only one company is supressed by it.

Meanwhile the attack gets underway on the right supported by a Ferdinand.

As soon as it leaves the cover of the wood it is destroyed by a Zis3, an early set back for the Germans.

German off table artillery is called in taking out the second battalion HQ

While 120mm mortar fire hits the trenches on the opposite hill

Over on the right the first company reach the anti-tank obstacles.

Under overwhelming fire the attack on the left has stalled.

Covered by smoke put down by the 120mm mortar the other two German companies on the right leave the cover of the wood.

Back on the German left the morale is shaken and they head for the shelter of the nearby wood.

Smoke and artillery fire keep the Soviets heads down on the right helping the attack there to develop.

The other two companies reach the anti-tank obstacles.

Back on the left the German morale rallies and they resume the attack.

The attack however is short lived, further casualties see the battalion rout.

The advance on the right continues with the Germans heading towards the station, the Soviets on the hill are taking a pounding from artillery and small arms fire.

With the threat on the Soviet right gone they move companies across towards Ponyri.

Turn twelve, end of the game with the Germans just short of their objective, a Soviet victory.
Another enjoyable game, a tough ask for the Germans but they nearly got their despite the failure of the left flank attack and early loss of the Ferdinand.
I have kept the scenery out as I may play the scenario again using Battlegroup rules.

Till next time keep safe, stay alert and KBO


  1. I think we have played that before? Nice to see you return to some decent WWII rules.πŸ˜‰

    1. Could well have done in one variant or another. Very decent rules, especially as I added the "complicated" itsπŸ˜‰

  2. Nice report, congrats to the Soviets, impressive hill!

    1. Thank you very much Phil, a game of two flanks.

  3. Great game Phil. I do admire that station and nice to see a Ferdinand on a wargame table.

    1. Thank you George. Yes the Ferdinand doesn't get out much, not the best tank destroyer to come of the production line.

  4. Good looking game, tough indeed for the Germans all that open ground to cover and nice to see how it plays out. Love the explosion markers and spotted that b and w photo πŸ˜€ KBO

    1. Thank you Matt, thinking back on it I think I missed a wood off the table. Though they would have had to come out some point and weather the storm.

  5. Nice table phil and the rapid Fire do a nice job. Can you recall who does the station? I have a very similar one in 15mm from Ironclad Miniatures.

    A Battlegroup replay would be interesting.

    1. It's from Lancer Miniatures.

      I may have to alter the forces slightly but will try and get them as near as possible

    2. Thanks Phil, I recently got their russian cottage and a small ruin, which are impressive, so I will be happy to order this.

    3. You will not be disappointed it's a fine piece.

  6. Lovely looking game, I do like the station and your trenches!
    Best Iain

  7. Brilliant looking game Phil!


    1. Thank you Christopher, really enjoying playing solo surprisingly.

  8. Lovely game. I will try this scenario, when all of this will finally finish and then compare the results.

    1. Thank you Bartek. It is very challenging indeed but most enjoyable, I have the forces worked out for a game using Battlegroup rules next.
