Copyright © 2025, Philip Robinson. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without prior permission of the creator

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Looking Back, Going Forward

I told myself that I would not do a retrospective this year, but it will be interesting (well to me anyway) to have what I did all on one post so here goes.

Figures and vehicles -

Spanish Civil War - 17 figures, 2 field guns with 8 crew and an armoured car

First Carlist War - 12 figures

Third Century Rome - 34 figures

Post Roman Britain - 50 figures

Italian Wars - 4 figures

 World War Two - 81 figures, 1 anti-tank gun and three crew, 2 tanks and 3 trucks

Terrain -

Bunker and four trench sections in 28mm, field position and four trenches in 20mm
Six three inch sections of vines
Two 6 x 6 inch minefields
10 barbed wire sections
A water tower, Russian hut, well and loo and oil tank in 20mm
Two 2 foot sections of train track, also re-painted some old track sections
A Charlie Foxtrot Dormer house with wood store and a Warbases greenhouse
A Charlie Foxtrot barn
An Italeri church

There may well be other figures and terrain bits I did not take note of as well, quite a productive year  I thought, I am surprised that I managed so much.

Going forward  I intend to give the First Carlist War a boost during January and February, await some new releases off Empress to progress the NWE World War Two project in the meantime I will add to the Italian front, I also have three 20mm Panthers built and primed and a German railway station for the Eastern Front to do at some point. I must also complete the Post Roman Britain expansion, I have 12 Saxons to do and 8 Briton foot and cavalry, I think the Third Century will go to the back for a while as I intend to try and keep up with the early Byzantine releases from Aventine. I have no immediate plans for the Spanish Civil War though I do have figures in stock should I choose otherwise. I also have several builds for Spain to do also.

As if the above is not enough to be going on with, I decided over Christmas and the New Year that I wanted to add another horse and musket period for games here at OHQ, Dave has this period pretty much covered so it was difficult not to duplicate. A couple of years ago I nearly revisited the War Of the Spanish Succession but felt it was to much like the Seven Years War and not suitable for my restricted table  size, I did think about it again but common sense sort of prevailed and I looked at the Great Northern War, although there are cracking figures available I could not see them or the period holding my interest. I think I am an Ancient and 19th/20th century guy at heart.
Then the news that Alan Perry was doing a War of the Triple Alliance range broke, my love for the esoteric was reignited, here we go!



  1. god to be surprised! All the best for your projects in 2020


    1. Thank you Matt, hope to make more inroads this year.

  2. A really good year Phil, and I saw the figures in the latest WI nice and colourful 👍 get buying

    1. Better than I thought I did. Book and flags ordered, awaiting the first releases.

  3. Glad to see you made this post Phil. You've had a productive year, especially if you add in the commercial work too. 2020 has got off to a great start too so press on! Excited by the new project too!

  4. Good work there Phil, very productive!

  5. You must be happy with your efforts Phil, all superb. I would just be afraid the missus would see the yearly effort :)

    1. Thank you George. I am able to disguise it all amongst the commission work ;~)

  6. A productive year! Interested to see what you do with your new project.


  7. Thank you Christopher, I hope to post my progress regularly.

  8. Italian front I hear? Very much looking forward to it!

    1. With Empress Miniatures dalliance with Vietnam, I think you are likely to see more Mediterranean rather than NWE.

  9. A good total for the year including a whole load of terrain.

    1. I tend to bodge about with terrain between figure painting and often forget just how much I achieve over the year.
